
I’m still waiting for him to take our guns.

Maybe I’m just too biased toward Bernie anyway, but to me this just makes the DNC and possibly Hillary Clinton look awful. I’d vote for Bernie just to fucking spite the DNC/Clinton, because this is shit.

The Baseball Hall of Fame is not a place for gamblers! It’s a place for racists, philanders, alcoholics and anyone who used PED’s before the arbitrary deadline of 1995.

Let Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame or just fucking close it. Ridiculous.

Speaking of Rahm Emanuel, this is a friendly reminder that you don’t get to be offended by racist police violence and ensuing coverups if your preferred candidate is HRC (and that, of course, mostly assumes you ignore her role in the creation of mass incarceration of POC in the first place, pimping for Clintonian

It’s so nice to see that Rahm was cool with McCarthy’s thuggish police force, right up until the McDonald cover-up was exposed.

Especially when very few things are actually American made anymore, and many of the things that are American made (cars, I’m looking right at you) suck donkey balls.

You realize this is the NFL, right?

Australia is a prison colony, no way that we can trust anything they have to say. Especially when it comes to toilet water swirling direction.

Great job Georgetown University. Now if only Georgetown the city can do something about its racist shop owner problem.

“I’m the quarterback of Ohio State... there’s nothing you can do?”

Let the woman have her quiet protest of reading. If she not actively trying to hurt people, let it go.

“Bruce Campbell as Ronald Reagan” may be the ultimate casting choice. The scenes where Reagan is comparing his MOVIE about war stories to actual war stories is solid fucking gold.

In theatre, both professional and community levels, it’s amazing how “Acting is about talent, not look” is used to justify a white person playing a POC role, but as soon as a POC is cast or even just auditions for a white or non-specified role, it's all "They just don't have quite the right look" and "Suspension of

Old Racist Bastard

Well my name is Benny C and im here to say...

I like how they are no longer even pretending that “redskins” isn’t offensive and are now going down the “everyone else does it!” route. Good luck with that!