The price difference really plays into it as well, there really should have been an edge given there.
The price difference really plays into it as well, there really should have been an edge given there.
Yea me neither. Luke is drunk.
As soon as I saw it I did not think PS4...
Kinect 2.0: "All your face are belong to us."
Because that's what's on everyone's mind when a new generation pops out. Same thing happened in the previous gen. Plus in this case, none of the games have anyone falling out of their chairs in excitement. So it's graphical comparisons and overblown stories about a small minority of systems owners who experienced…
That's like...exactly what this is becoming. Hell, even the X1 commercials have some guy screaming at his TV to do something while a football game plays and Skype is open in the corner while he's sending off a tweet.
Like, holy shit, I just want to play mah gamez! ;_;
Love the name, and I still have Peter Porker #1 in mint.
Yeah, I will NEVER use the "snap" feature. If I'm watching a movie or playing a game, I'm trying to immerse myself in the experience. If it's so boring that I want to be doing something else, I will stop and do something else. So stupid.
Why do you play games that are so shitty that you need to be entertained while you are playing them?
There's actually an official Xbone commercial that features the 'prank' in this article.
Right? What ever happened to "Just play your game?"
This is when you know "Next Gen Gaming" isn't for you: When a dozen suggestions of how to Next Gen Game have nothing to do with gaming, and everything to do with TVs, and voice commands and app pinning and app downloading and snap apping and...basically a dozen things that aren't "Put Game in box, then play Game"
I'm the same way. If I sit down to play a game, I am sitting down to play a game. If I'm going to watch something, I'm going to watch something. It just feels like more ADD generation cellphone junkie stuff creeping in where it doesn't need to be.
That just sounds ridiculous.
Try snapping a TV show or app while you're playing a game
"Before you begin calibrating Kinect, we suggest you turn your TV speakers up. Kinect has trouble hearing voice commands over a loud TV."
A large number of WiiU users are experiencing the LOTPS error. Or more commonly know as the "Lack of third party support" issue.