
Yeah. The average launch Xbox 360 game still looked worse than the best looking Original Xbox titles. The generation jump was only especially noticeable starting around '07. I expect a similar thing to happen here, where the Xbone will only really start to flex it's muscles a year or two after launch.

Err, Mike... We must've attended to differetn 360 launches, because even the worst 360 launch title didn't look much better, if at all, than their XBOX counterparts. Tony Hawk's American Wasteland was basically the XBOX version running at 720p and the 360 version of Gun while covered in "shiny" was 90% an XBOX title.

Now playing

It needs a crotch for a chainsaw......duhhh.

2 gimmicks; Giant Robots, and freerunning+Jetpacks.

Watch Dogs is GTA with a twist same as Titanfall is CoD with a twist. This adds some cool immersion and so does Watch Dogs.

as i replied to the other comment, the difference between what TLOU and Bioshock is the kind of story it was trying to tell. the actual plot in TLOU is simply taking Ellie from point A to point B with a little twist at the end. what the game is trying to get across to us is how the word has been changed and the

They've said that you can play solo and that you will run into other players. It's up to you to join them or to keep going your own way.

two words:

Is having a kid at 40 a problem I wasn't aware of?

I'd imagine getting destroyed in Amazon preorders doesn't hurt in getting the message across, either.

Wasn't talking about saving: I was talking about how Microsoft made a huge deal about the always-online function being there because a ton of the processing was being made in the cloud so that the games would look uh-maze-ing all the time.

This is what I was wondering as well. I seem to remember one publisher talking about how the Cloud computing power will make the game look 10x better. If this is dropped will that mean there is a waterdown version {Where it does not use the cloud) and a ultra supreme dynamite being version?

... or bird?

Ruff ruff!

It seems like Sony wants to get where Microsoft does, but they want to let it happen in a more organic manner, not just shoehorning the entire world into digital distribution and online, but giving both options and letting things occur naturally.

Oh, absolutely, but it was a good move to keep it simple, just let the world sit on that $100 difference, then later, make some bundles.

Quickius Timius Eventius is the best fucking name for anything ever!

"Yes, we gave away everyone's information to the Feds. In fact, we, along with everyone else, received directives from the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence that we had to turn over our servers to them. We had our legal team look at it, and it was ironclad, so it's not like we had much of a