
Huh. Are you watching network TV?

I've seen them on Fox, NBC and ABC.

It's the Netflix approach to advertising. Netflix was touting the new Ricky Gervais show "Derek" as a Netflix original series even though it aired in the UK the year before and was available on various other online outlets.

I'm not one to partake in the console wars but from a PR standpoint Sony is doing a waaaay better job at getting the word out about the PS4 than the Xbone.

Gotcha, but who's doing the actual classifying? I'm a console guy so I don't know anything about RAM, and GPU's, and graphics cards so how am I supposed to know what qualifies as good better or best?

No word who's making these boxes or how much they'll cost, but Valve plans to make some official announcements CES in January. We imagine they'll fall into the good/better/best camps described by Valve boss Gabe Newell earlier this year.

I said the same thing when I went to Taco Bell yesterday.

I'm betting the Mini Wii will million dollars!

Hmm, $29.99 for a two hour cut scene? Well alright then.

A next gen Batman game by Rocksteady is a foregone conclusion isn't it?

Seriously. What did I just see? Looks too cluttered to me.

What about on the Wii U?

The general public will think of it much like they thought of the Rubik's Cube, a fad that was fun for a while and then put in the closet until it was ultimately sold at a yard sale.

Laugh if you will but the Gamecube controller was my favorite.

Is this the one that was being created with the Frostbite engine?

Seems like all this speculation is going to get people needlessly bent out of shape more than informing them about which console has the better graphics.

I'm going to need to see a side by side comparison of that flame war before I weigh in.

Well both look good to me.

Is this a review of the current gen version or the PS4/Xbone version? I'm guessing current gen?

You are a silent protagonist.'re Snake Eyes?