Who did this? There's only one person who could...make it so.
Who did this? There's only one person who could...make it so.
Microsoft Clarifications: Always-on.
I think "more details to come" really means, "shit we really need to figure out an answer for this in what? Two weeks?!?! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!"
Totally apropos of nothing, Evan did I see you at Governors Island this past weekend or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
Has anybody written an environmentalist perspective about how the Xbone will never be completely off? I'm surprised I haven't heard anybody raise concern about the amount of wasted energy that it will cause.
Granted I'm just going with my guy here but when Harrison said, "We will have a solution—we’re not talking about it today—for you to be able to trade your previously-played games online", I think he misspoke.
Ha! Glad you liked that.
From "That 70's Show"? Weird...
GUS?!? It's our destiny to cook!
Chuck me.
I thought Neo would be...The One getting confused.
How about Bone Xone (with Xone pronounced Zone)?
I just came across this on All Things D: "Its box won’t let you watch live TV unless you have a pay TV subscription." http://allthingsd.com/20130522/why-m…
Calling it now, a "No Russian" style mission set in a post office where you play as the dog and you're forced to maul all the mail carriers.
It's Call of Duty: The Last Guardian!
I'm betting there will be some sort of non apology from Mattrick about this in the next 24 hours.
The other awkward thing about the name is that when spoken out loud it sounds like you're using the word "one" in the same way that people use that word to differentiate between two different items, e.g. "I liked the first one more than the second one".
A better match making system would be more than welcome. Things became so competitive so quickly with this generation that I'd be completely dominated if I was a couple of weeks out of practice. The whole idea that I have to practice simply to be able to enjoy the game I paid full price for is the biggest reason I…