
Would you rather be paid a salary or be paid through access to a nice weight room?

Man, that SC clip takes me back.

It's jarring to see how many highlights they get to in three minutes.

You wonder why exactly he was so hesitant to identify the act as sexual. Just being disturbed by the whole thing or an effort to play down what he and PSU knew?

I think this a result of the overexposure of the NFL due to its massive popularity. The NFL is really popular. As a result it has a lot of meathead and casual fans. Media types are rewarded by appealing to meathead and meatball fans. So, said media types give 'em what they want — which is TMZ-style tearing down of

Agreed. They are definitely more welcoming and generally more decent human beings. Their snobbery is a quiet snobbery towards other kinds of genres.

Another music genre I would add is the "jam band" fan (Deadheads, Phish, Umphreys, and hilariously Dave Matthews Band). Similar to Metalheads but without the racism, jam band snobs also think that every other kind of music completely lacks artistic integrity. And they base that belief on a few premises that are only

Yea, the problem is that any economic data on that kind of thing is still shaky. Even in the SF example, you'd have economists making the point that all the stadium did is divert development from other areas of the city and that there's no way to show overall economic activity actually increased.

Running them? Yes. Political appointees who "run" the agency are mostly spokespeople and provide a very 40,000-foot view. Folks doing the real work are not politicians.

Blaming an intern? Seriously? Just apologize and take responsibility.

Here is the very simple truth with sports stadiums. If they are such a great investment, why is the owner himself not making the investment? The reason? It's a shitty investment.

What's funny is that no NFL team "needs" a state-of-the-art stadium. The TV money that's split between the teams is ridiculous. It's

The AEG deal collapsed because AEG wanted a huge stake in whatever team was moving in to the stadium. Their logic was that since they were paying the entire cost of the stadium, they should, you know, get something in return. However, no NFL owner wants a fair deal on these stadiums. They want pure enrichment for

Andy - I am having trouble following your point here. On the post discussing Simmons' comments on the trade, you said it was sad he wasn't a fan boy anymore? I can't tell if that's sarcasm... And now you're saying he's being too much Skip Bayless.

"These kids are more concerned with getting that after game icecream than some imaginary "championship". And you are just a volunteer baby sitter, not some baseball "manager". What a joke."

This guy must not have played sports as a kid.

Great piece. Nice job with this.

"And you know what? There's a lot of value in just being the guy that big names like that will sit down and talk with. But the great interviewer or host realizes that HE is not the real value, that he's just a facilitator of allowing the real star to convey his/her value."

Talking about private citizens here so the standard is going to be lower than for a celebrity. You just need to show negligence — that a reasonably prudent newspaper would not have run that cover story based on the information they had. We've got a major newspaper running a front page photo of two people saying that

Cool idea, but this would effectively destroy the college hoops TV contracts. Never going to happen.

"If the Dodgers fall short of instant dominance—and if Crawford plays more like Boston Crawford than Tampa Bay Crawford—things could get ugly. In a laid-back, Southern California sort of way.'

I think you missed the barrels on digital ink spilt last year on racist fans in Eastern Europe. It was a huge story before the UEFA Cup.

Thank you thank you thank you for this post. The cognitive dissonance in the media in LA and generally about this team is unlike anything I can really remember in sports. They have consistently gotten their ass kicked by every decent in the West, yet they will be "dangerous" in a playoff series against a 1 or 2