
What is the proper form when a friend starts seriously dating a girl who he previously was casually hooking up with and (naturally) had already sent around naked pics of her to show he well he CRUSHES? Must the friends delete out of courtesy? What if they get married?

"The Lions have replaced the Cowboys as the NFL team that exhibits the lowest football IQ — vexing, since Boys coach Jason Garrett is a Princeton graduate and Lions coach Jim Schwartz graduated from Georgetown University."

Joe - What would you say is the biggest difference between your generation of broadcasters and your father's?

Reading these letters and comments has been therapeutic. So glad there are other Bears fans out there who equally as tired of "Bear Weather," Superfans impressions, and Gary Fencik references.

I am all for Yankee bashing, but I'm not sure they are acting unlike any organization. When you talk negatively about a key member of an organization that employs you, there is going to be some consequences. Especially here where Reggie is, as you said, essentially in a PR role.