
Gizmodo already took over io9.

Should read: Intelligent Humans: This Party Is Not For Anyone.

If you’re using a good quality loose leaf tea (where the leaves are still whole rather than broken up), that method works fine. That’s how I drink my green tea. Though of course you can’t take the leaves out to stop the brewing, so it might end up too strong if you don’t drink quickly.

If you’re using a good quality loose leaf tea (where the leaves are still whole rather than broken up), that method

There are Chinese cups specifically for this purpose. They are little bowls with a lid that gets pushed off the the side a bit while you sip. The lid keeps the leaves out of your mouth and then keeps the tea hot between sips. I know a lot of real tea lovers who drink their tea this way.

There are Chinese cups specifically for this purpose. They are little bowls with a lid that gets pushed off the the

How is this not distribution of child pornography?

This is so damn heartbreaking it's killing me. My boy is not yet 3 and I am weeping for these parents and my future self and my kid's future and the pain this boy was in. Just... Aaaaahhhh.

I'm sorry, but I think this shows a really impressive screening process by Disney rather than some negligence on their part. 35 out of 300,000 when you know every child predator in the world would list Disney as their ideal job? Kudos to them.

The numbers reported by CNN represent one one-hundredth of one percent of the 300,000 people we have employed during this time period.

We could be friends :).- you even chose some of her best. I'd add Cotillion and The Grand Sophy (though it does have an issue). Love Fry, love Heyer. Ultimate comfort read; she's better than prozac.

I was ready to come screeching "Heyer!", but thankfully you mentioned her. I got into her books because Stephen Fry mentioned them on a TV show he did years ago ("Guilty," I just checked), and 14-year-old me was hooked. They're more romantic comedy than Jane Austen, but it's quality for a charming, light read.

Today, I mark Alysa_ as my favorite! ;)

You did a very smart thing. Never, ever, ever click that link.

Between this, the man charged with murder for forgetting his toddler, and my general PMS-y pessimism, the cat and I are going into hiding under a blanket. Let me know when there's good news. Code word 'hodor.'

If I were the mom I'd be upset about the tattoo, but even more upset that my daughter was spending the night with a registered sex offender.

Wow, how ignorant of you.

The father has been charged with murder and with child cruelty in the first degree. I don't really agree with those charges. This is too horrific to think about.


My heart hurts so badly for this man and his family. The fact that this could pretty much happen to any parent, no matter how responsible they are, is truly terrifying.