That’s pretty insensitive to Fred.
That’s pretty insensitive to Fred.
Lets not forget the Raps beat GS in the regular season, twice.
When you win a series on 4 bounces against the Sixers. Then don’t panic down 0-2 and win 4 straight against the Bucks. Its their year and they’re playing incredible basketball at the perfect time. As a Warriors fan I’d be losing my shit if this was the Houston Rockets doing this. However the Raptors team are so…
As a Torontonian, I concur. Still not counting my chickens, but it would be swell.
If the Raptors can close this out, I believe Kawhi will becomes only the third player to win a Finals MVP for two teams. (LeBron and Kareem also did it)
It’s such a bummer that KD dominates so much of this series. I’ve seen people literally saying he’s sitting out just to prove a point. Which, if he is, what the fuck point is that? That he’s a locker room cancer who’d rather feel important than contribute to a possible championship?
Kind of hope he goes back to missing all his shots and has to resort to publicly retracting this statement.
*ahem* Fred VanVleet Sr.
We need to figure out a way to summon Artdecider to Kinja.
Even Boston fans hate Boston fans.
Agreed, I can’t believe this isn’t being discussed as part of the narrative. Who the fuck does this?
In a couple of days, people might realize this is a perfect meme for our kakistocracy. Even a millionaire athlete is undesirable to those people who make the rules by owning lobbyists. The player was an employee to be abused at this guys whim, as easily as they plunder the government. I guarantee that if he released…
I expect it takes away the perk of taking his buds to the game to show off, which is the part that would hurt the most.
I’m sure this is the best enforcement that the NBA could have possibly done to this clown but fining a billionaire $500k is really just the equivalent of a helicopter parent going into their child’s school an accosting the lunch lady then being banned from the school for a year and being assessed a $5 fine afterwards.
Seeing the shove made every NFL owner want to go buy his local NBA team.
Are you sure?
I grew up in Vancouver and one of my close, lifelong friends is of Punjabi descent.
He is really quite good when he has those appearances ringside.