U agitated? Im sure the obvious statement that I made an obvious statement makes some sort of time paradox appear in the obvious spacetime continuum.
U agitated? Im sure the obvious statement that I made an obvious statement makes some sort of time paradox appear in the obvious spacetime continuum.
LOL Wireless technology has actually advanced to the point where the lag introduced by the wireless transmission of data is virtually unnoticeable. LOL.
I really have never seen audio output via DVI. I understand DVI and HDMI are compatible, but even if you placed a HDMI-DVI adaptor you would never get audio, just video since no DVI pinset has pins for audio data. As is my understanding. Thus, HDMI is the only adapter other than DisplayPort that supports both audio…
Trick question. Watson.
The 7900GX2 was once considered a beast. Now it is easily trumped by a midrange card you can get for sub 100.
HDMI = Sound and Video
Its a cool... box? I guess. Its kinda drab, olive-y looking. I give them points for it being very utilitarian in appearance.
That PC will be obsolete in 5 years.
Yeah, Steam is pretty much the only company other than Impulse, Beamdog, GOG, D2D, soon GameFly, OnLive, GameTap... I think that's all of them? Oh, there's that one ModDB uses, I can't even remember the name of that. Starts with a D I think.
Very rarely. I reserve drinking for outdoor events and social events, and gaming is usually neither. I think the last time I drank and gamed was while playing Rock Band with friends; every time you failed out you had to take a shot. Needless to say we didn't do so well when the harder songs started showing up.
Man, its like more and more companies just dont want me to buy their games...
I seem to recall that that movie wasn't very well received, but I personally loved it (though not so much at the end).
Online items have a b.net ID attached to them, offline items don't. If you connect to b.net with a modified item, b.net will see if it generated that item and see that it didn't and ban you forever. If you play offline, an item is generated but the online version has no record of it being made, so its not legal to use…
At first, I thought CWC wrote this.
Everything I get? You mean stuff I don't care about. YEAH, MY FRIENDS LIST. YEAH, ACHIEVEMENTS. THIS IS WHY I WAS SO EAGERLY ANTICIPATING DIABLO 3. NOW I CAN BRAG TO MY FRIENDS ABOUT MY ACHIEVEMENTS. I don't remember the last time I was playing Witcher 2 and thought to myself "GEE, I WISH I HAD A SHIT TON OF…
I'd say Atlus is just less greedy, they care about building market share elsewhere, even in the burgeoning overseas market (its not like a few years ago where anime was a huge craze in the West either). Localization doesn't cost that much, a translator, voice actors and some programmers to change content that may be…
"a women."
Seems like it highlights the various hairpieces your character can wear.
Actually, it is fully possible to complain while still not pirating. So you are making assumptions to place others in a bad light because you disagree with them, which isn't a very good counter-argument. Downloading a game doesn't remove your entitlement to an opinion anyway. Either way, innocent "paying" gamers lose…