
While most of it was really cool, I have to say the camerawork and editing was at the most, acceptable. There are a few clever shots and cuts, but otherwise a lot of the impact is lost via bad editing and camerawork. Example, the last shot where the guy finally decapitates the other guy, they used a 3rd person view?

Can't say this was a surprise. The Wii U and 3DS pretty much stunk of trying to maintain the huge success they had created with the DS and Wii. The yearly DS iterations? They had to hit a wall somewhere. In essence, their success became so great it became unmaintainable.

This is funny because before I HAD to install it before I could transfer it. Even PSP games. Sony, the user friendly company.

Which I wouldn't really have an issue with, except the PSP doesn't support WPA2, just WEP/WPA1. So, in order to download content to my PSP I NEED to use my PS3. I'm already annoyed that I can't download updates for DJMax Fever and DJMP3.

Did you have anything refunded to your card within the past week or even month? Credit refunds take a long time to process, maybe you forgot about it. Also, sometimes they re-evaluate your balance and find you owe less than is stated on your web banking. Often I will see 0.00 as my available amount and then check

Battle Canyon is Blood Gulch right? I mean, that's the only map I want.

Nope, you'll still be lynched.


Well you'd still need to be either using 3G or playing in a Wi-Fi area. I'd say it's a temporary solution at best.

Gotta say, while Forza looks nicer with more detail, GT5 looks more real with its lighting and subdued color palette. Forza has this really sharp contrast to everything that makes it look really fake. This is pretty noticeable in the cockpit view comparisons.

While impressive, the problem with immersion isn't graphics, its interaction. Enemy AI that knows where you are no matter what or sees you miles away in an impossible situation is more immersion breaking than some less than perfect textures or polygons.


I believe you mean The What.

I'm sure he'll be beating it for a long time.


This and Persona 2 Portable will be keeping my PSP busy for a good while. This device is amazing, I can't believe I was missing out for so long.

I have the weirdest boner right now.

Seems legit.

PSV is PSP compatible... so it IS a dual release.

Last pic... damn.