Actually, $500 USD is closer to 250 euros...
Actually, $500 USD is closer to 250 euros...
I panicked for a second thinking that Catherine was already out.
I like the 7D$.
Most countries have laws that require businesses to accept legal tender to varying degrees. However, the States and Canada seem to be exceptions. I can certainly accept convenience stores for example refusing to take notes higher than $50, but an Apple Store should certainly be able to handle a few Franklins.
Probably because they didn't want to clutter up their console with GC controller ports and emulation capabilities. Plus, I still have my GC for the occasional foray into Metroid Prime 1/2 and Super Smash Bros Melee, so I dont mind.
Agreed. Its Atlus, so there is SOME hope.
It would have made a lot more sense to simply allow this to be done with a headset. I mean, as a solitary nerd in his parents basement, I simply can't be seen or heard lest I remind the outside world of my existence.
What a coincidence, I just picked up Neverwinter Nights Diamond from GoG. Hopefully this game will be NWN HD, and not D&D: Daggerdale :|
Wait, what the fuck? Don't tell me this is a full price retail game. I was thinking like an $15 XBLA game. I paid about that for the vastly superior HD remake of Perfect Dark, Microsoft, don't pull this shit on me now.
The whole no more split screen thing is genius, but the price tag not so much. I think I'll stick with my two 32" TVs.
Can I buy an edition that just has all the cinematics on it? I don't really care about the game.
The next Duke Nukem Forever? I'm calling it.
Actually glad to hear this, I was incredibly worried when I heard they were releasing ME3 in under a year after ME2. It made me think they would rush it out, which is something that should NEVER happen with the ME franchise.
I also see they moved the games screen all 5 spaces over to the right, so when you start up your Xbox you aren't automatically focused on the game you're about to play. Instead, you have to scroll through at least 4 pages of Xbox content and ads to use your machine for what you intended.
BG2 complete collection is on GOG, but yeah, BG1 is impossible to find. I saw the expansion once at a local game store and they had it for 50 bucks sealed. Tempting, but no.
Very nice catch. Kojima is totally the kind of guy to do that on purpose too.
Excited for Deus Ex and Hitman, but Square Enix ruins everything so now I'm not sure.
I'm a rapper. I fit all the criteria.
He puts on his robe in wizard hat all right.