
@Kovitlac: Put it on PLEASE.

Might actually pick this game up now. I wasnt really impressed with the beta, but after renting the game and this, I am much more interested.

Want Vanquish, but may have to test drive it first. Looks to be awesome though.

Oh my god, this sounds so fucking awesome. I CANT FUCKING WAIT.

Someone should make an iPod/iPhone app that looks at your music library and tells you which songs are available on RBN.

I think the point he's trying to make is that some pirates are simply unserved customers.

In the second pic, I notice that Cole floats in a world with no ground.

@OTCIXS: I disagree, he looks more like Liev Schreiber.

I really wish they would add some sort of penalty for dropping out of Arena games repeatedly. When its 2v4 its hard to get a good rating since you're getting spawn camped up the ass. Yeah, I can quit out so it wont count against my daily rating, but its very unsportsmanlike, plus its an annoyance to everyone playing

10000 hours in the bakery to make that bread.

@FTH: Well, I definitely have been raped by a creeper before, so I am not playing MCC.

@SatansBestBuddy: Well, at least it will save me some time since the game pauses for a while whenever I change render distance.

@FTH: Really? Because I downloaded the game, set up an account, and just selected play offline. Which lets you play Single Player.