Any man who lies about his height is pathetic. I’m 5'7" and I’ve never claimed to be anything different, because what’s the fucking point?
Any man who lies about his height is pathetic. I’m 5'7" and I’ve never claimed to be anything different, because what’s the fucking point?
I work in environmental science and land reclamation. I manage a federally-protected wildlife sanctuary. I agree that this sucks for the off-road community.
Noone was forced to stay inside. Complying with ridiculous orders from elected officials was your choice. Your choice alone.
Nope. I’d rather drive an anonymobile CUV and know for a fact that it’s not cool than drive a PT Cruiser thinking it’s ‘quirky, unique, and cool.’ If I ever hit rock bottom to the point that I’m looking for a damn PT Cruiser to own, I would just accept my fate and just drive a CUV.
And every comment like this reminds me of some insecure person who is constantly thinking about other's genitals and how it correlates with their automotive preferences. We get it, you don't like trucks, but WHY do you roll that into imagining the size of a person's genitals? That's weird and disturbing behavior.
^^^ here comes “why don’t you just comply,” guy.
Extrapolating from FIA actions in 2021 and 2022, I predict that FIA will award the 2023 title to Red Bull--two hours before the season opener in Bahrain.
Yeah, my current car (an STI) was supposed to be unreliable too, according to the internet. Something something head gaskets or something.
Never had a problem with it in the 5 years I’ve had it, despite being driven hard and put away wet.
I didn’t know monks who swore a vow of poverty cruised Jalopnik.
So, you are of course boycotting anything made in China due to the governments continued cultural genocide and force labor of the Uighurs, correct?
Also, Lance is incredibly low key, even for a Canadian. And he has 3 podiums this year. Is he the best driver in the field? Nah. Is he better than let’s say, Albon? I definitely think so.
Then you are no better than they are. Name calling, degrading, and insulting your fellow countrymen is a shitty way to ruin something great. Get over the victory and start working towards making this country better. If not, then leave. I want my Democratic Party to be one of inclusion. Not one that constantly…
I’m a guy who visits daily for two reasons: #1 Jezebel has some if the best writing among the Gawker collection of website (or whoever owns it, I can’t keep up). #2 In some frivolous and silly way, maybe it gets me out of my male echo chamber.
No worries, the average Corvette buyer’s cataracts make the GM visibility problem moot.
Nice reality check. It is a bummer to let some of the helium out of the balloon of happiness, but it does take an open mind to become a full-time trailer traveler. If you keep expectations realistic, it can be great. It is also darn nice to occasionally crash in a motel with a real bed and hot water you don’t have…
This is why I ref 10 and under at my local Y. Ejections. Nothing, absolutely nothing, feels like ejecting the little punk when he looks at you wrong. Raise an eyebrow, you’re gone son. Dad screaming bloody murder from the sideline, take a walk kid. Someone has got to teach these kids a lesson. Sometimes life is cruel,…
Schrodinger’s quarterback
The greatest trick that Devel ever pulled was convincing the world they exist
Never apologize for doing your job right and on time.
Ah ... so Millennial respect for elders is not a thing.