Lyle Petersminkle

How do you actually have the ability to be so fucking smarmy, stupid, condescending, and probably racist all at once?

If I travel anywhere and I see that sign, I’m going the fuck back home.

I was having some real bad times and got a 2nd job at Best Buy about a decade ago and had my department manager do damn near the exact same thing to me on my third day there. After talking with the hiring manager during my interview he basically gave me the pick of which dept I wanted to work in, and I chose

Perhaps it is your spouse who has learned nothing if they still are a Browns fan?

In all honesty, if it really means that much to you to see it for yourself, you should just avoid the internet altogether and make it a priority to watch it the first thing Sunday morning.

It must be crippling to have the level of insecurity it takes to think a spouse’s old phone reflects poorly on yourself.

Just the looks department.

The E&M references in that comment just went way over your head, didn’t they?

Thanks for getting that out of the way all in one comment.

I just LOVE watching videos that are posted to Instagram! I get to see the video in a pre-determined, small size with a ton of white wasted space around the page. I get to hear the audio at full volume with no choice but to revel in all the potentially ear-bleeding glory. I don’t get bothered by a progress bar /

In most cases, the idea of cultural appropriation need to be thrown out. ESPECIALLY in the arts. It’s a waste of mental energy to try to figure out which color of skin an idea belongs to. Especially after it has been passed through so many minds and people from so many different walks of life.

The only people who care

I don’t know, I saw a BMW with working turn signals the other day.

quite the takeaway

For 150 large, this thing better heat up my wood.

Sources say it was this moment, when Haley randomly pointed to the crowd and asked “Hey, isn’t that one of the women who have accused you of something?,” as the breaking point.

“Won’t someone please think of the five-time-so-far accused rapist?!?”

We live in the USA where you’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

Finally, someone listens!

For the second consecutive New Year’s Day, Arizona Arians lose one of their own.

Yeah, he plays football.