Lyle Petersminkle

I mean, that’s kind of normal, no? If you have a brand known for stellar reliability, and you start to get a few initial reports of problems, you’re not going to assume that the brand with a fantastic reputation reliability screwed something up. The chances are small, so you look for other factors. 

Gets a pass? What are you talking about? They’re getting raked through the coals on forums, blogs and vlogs, etc. I’ve never heard so much chatter of one manufacturer losing the plot. And that’s probably precisely because they’ve had such a stellar reliability reputation. Similar shit happened to Kia/Hyundai, and

They don’t have to, of course. But, it is a stereotype for a reason; it’s what happens more often than not. It’s the same reason the lawnmowers are for dads. Dads, more often than not, mow the lawn, rather than the mom. My wife and I follow a lot of gender stereotypes. Not because we force them on each other, but

That definitely is something owner’s of that do more frequently than the average.

It’s not dying for sport. It’s a highly dangerous sport that the participants have accepted as such.

Let’s be real. Mitsubishi paint != Porsche paint. Porsche paint is known to be some of the best, if not the best, paint among major auto manufacturers. My 11 year old Panamera looks spectacular still. My Altima when I had it was flaking after like 7 years.

They “break down a lot” is such a nebulous phrase. What do you mean by a lot? You can’t seem to quantify it, likely because if you were to attempt to, you’d find that they’re among the most reliable automaker brands.

I hear this argument a lot from Tesla owners. I hear it from some fans of other brands too, but, being as how there’s more Teslas on the road than other specific makes usually, that’s why I’m choosing them, in addition to just simply replying to your comment.

I’d agree with you up until about 3 years ago. Their new trucks are having a lot of engine failures, especially the Tundras since those have been out for about 3 years now, and we keep seeing bearing failures requiring engine replacement. It remains to be seen if this is a fluke with the specific engine or family of

That fizzles out at some point near the top of the scale. Plenty of great charactered people (you know what I’m trying to say) that don’t view people as beneath them. Even people in a company several levels down in hierarchy from me are not beneath me (as the saying is used colloquially). They are subordinate, but

Totally agree...but how? I just don’t see it happening. We’ve moved onto globalism/global corporatism/whatever the hell you wanna call it. More and more is everything being whittled down into fewer and fewer companies, as they grow larger and larger, and the executives richer and richer.

You’re so right.

As a Porsche owner, no. There’s a bunch of EVs faster than mine. But mine sounds so awesome when I step on it! It’s glorious. Hell, I’d even be okay with it being a little slower if it had a better sound, of course the turbo kinda mutes it a tad.

You’re not killing anything at the speed you do a “california stop” through.  If you kill someone at a stop sign, it’s not because you rolled through it slowly. No, that’s called blowing through a stop. That’s completely different.

Same, it’s much better than a practice session. Once in a while I’d watch practice highlights, but never the whole session. Now, I usually watch all of sprint, and sometimes only the highlights.

Bro, every military releases its own figures. Don’t act like it’s a unique thing going on. That said, historically, Israel’s own tallies have always been very close to those released by the Hamas run ministry.

Why yes, I have spoken out about those conflicts in different forums. Is someone supposed to mention all the other conflicts from history? Because this story is about the current Israeli/Hamas conflict. It’s kind of weird to then, while speaking directly about this conflict, mention “oh yaaa i also detect the genocide

That’s the laziest of the incorrect ways of identifying of genocide. It’s such a simple google, too. “a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part”.

As a Hamilton fanboi for the last ten years, my head would do precisely that. I rate them fairly equally, but if Verstappen pulled that off and dominated, my opinion of Hamilton as a driver would tank. Of course, that’s if Verstappen dominated and Russell kept languishing down in like 7th place regularly. If Russell

I feel like no. But, a couple things are at play here. First is that Hamilton is at the end of his career, so he may  be on the downslope (albeit still one of the best by far). Second, Newey+Verstappen didn’t just hook up and produce magic. It took years of design and it took years of Verstappen honing his craft.