
Also Scorched Earth. So awesome.

I think he's cosplaying as Adobe.

Uh, are you, like, joking? You are, right? Surely you already know that pulling out doesn't prevent pregnancy, and that you can still knock someone up like that. Of COURSE you know this, and your comment was just sarcastic.

Two words: Michael Stackpole.

Zahn is good, but he was still sucking at the Jedi teat. Stackpole made other people cool.

I hate good/evil dichotomies in games just because most things aren't that clearcut and very few games have the gumption to actually let you be evil. In most cases you end up playing evil as petulant petty dickhead. It's mostly because the game can't support the choices you'd make, but that just means the idea was

Not pictured: The X-men accounting department.


Spicy Orange GameCube would like to chime in and say "you're wrong."

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Indeed. JRPG is a "style" moniker and not a genre, much in the way dubstep is a style, but its still a form of electronic music.

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So it's noodle fritters instead of bread, I've been doing this since I learned how to start cooking. It's yum as.

These were too crude for me to appreciate. Not being a prude, I just find crude humor to be a low form of comedy. I am not saying other's should feel bad if they enjoy it but I don't personally. I only write this because you asked what we thought about it.