
Sunset Overdrive was the launch game I surprisingly liked the best out of the lineup. I was fully expecting playing a bunch of Killer Instinct and Forza 5, but instead ended up playing kinda sorta Jet Set Radio killing soda zombies. It was a highly underrated game, and I’m a little surprised at the numbers given the

The Avengers definitely exist in this universe. The Avengers tower is sitting in the Upper East Side in the game.

Definitely takes a while. Mind you, it was still really early in the Switch’s life cycle, so the tools have gotten better. But I worked on a port of a game that had basic rumble and one of our pillars was to use all possible Switch features that made sense. So enhanced rumble it was.

I’ve only played about 4 hours, but so far it’s set by mission, same as the first one.

I suspect you read nothing of my post, skimmed, and came away with a sentiment that’s completely unwarranted. Try the last paragraph in each of the pieces of conversation I wrote. I want the law to change. I’ve donated for the last two years to the EFF towards battling for better fair use laws. But that doesn’t

First off, I’d like to say thanks for the conversation. I appreciate the arguments without just devolving to “No you’re wrong and you’re stupid to boot!”

Hard disagree. The streamer’s brand is helped by associating with a known piece of pop culture, the clip. The clip is from another property that isn’t owned or licensed by the streamer. I’m not a lawyer, but going through the four factors of fair use, there’s not a hugely strong argument here.

Will Twitch prepare itself and streamers for an eventual reckoning from that industry, or will it once again turtle up into a reactive shell, refusing to act except when acted upon? Streamers are desperately hoping for the latter,

Quest 2 is super simple to hook up for Steam VR games.

More the latter. He has been a relatively big star in the EDM scene for the past few years and his inclusion in Fortnite has skyrocketed his status from there. He’s kind of a successor to the “big fake heads” DJ thing that has been popularized by Daft Punk and Deadmau5.

It’s..... in the very first paragraph that some of them did just that? Sounds like it didn’t work, probably because of loose lips.

Minus the pointy teeth you could have told me that first was a scene in the “Black Hole Sun” music video and my spotty recollection would have agreed. Slightly creepy, hardly scary.

The funny thing about that comment to me is that they literally just described.... Professional sports. Every single thing they said right there applies to physically pushing a ball through the air by some means. Yet I get the feeling that while they don’t want pro sports for their child, they’d allow it while

I’ll note that it’s using Orteil’s RandomGen. Ya know. The Cookie Clicker Orteil.

Totally understand that this is the inaugural melding of the now defunct ‘How’s It Going’ and the (awesome) Morning Music thread and there will be growing pains. However, from the tile and the into blurb, had I not read about how the new place for HIG is here, I never would have known. The blurb sounds like it’s a

I hated the redesign on the other sites, and still do. It’s harder to find new articles outside of latest or to know if what you’re seeing is actually somewhat recent or something pulled up from 2016. This is especially true of AVClub, but I’ve seen it happen on Gizmodo as well.

For some reason the comments over in the “7 Sonic Prototypes” are closed so I can’t comment there, but just wanted to say, THANK YOU Kotaku for not making that article another annoying as crap slideshow like has infested the other sub-sites. It’s VERY much appreciated.

Looking at the image, it matches up with downtown LA, 4th and Broadway.

There’s no reason WoW couldn’t implement something like a 45/90 degree cone behind the character when they Shield Block or what have you that also ablated or stopped the damage for those behind them. Even without collision, that would have the same effect as long as the rules for the AI didn’t just allow it to ignore

Before Classic restarted, I was actually thinking much the same. In practice, a lot of those pain points don’t actually exist. They’re the result of whatever the opposite of rose tinted goggles are. You remember a ton of agonizing crap that Vanilla WoW had, and a lot of that was there! But it just doesn’t apply to