
For some reason the comments over in the “7 Sonic Prototypes” are closed so I can’t comment there, but just wanted to say, THANK YOU Kotaku for not making that article another annoying as crap slideshow like has infested the other sub-sites. It’s VERY much appreciated.

Looking at the image, it matches up with downtown LA, 4th and Broadway.

There’s no reason WoW couldn’t implement something like a 45/90 degree cone behind the character when they Shield Block or what have you that also ablated or stopped the damage for those behind them. Even without collision, that would have the same effect as long as the rules for the AI didn’t just allow it to ignore

Before Classic restarted, I was actually thinking much the same. In practice, a lot of those pain points don’t actually exist. They’re the result of whatever the opposite of rose tinted goggles are. You remember a ton of agonizing crap that Vanilla WoW had, and a lot of that was there! But it just doesn’t apply to

They told me I was crazy, but you see it now! I was right all along!

Hah, his *armor* is breathing at around 0:52. Takes some danged powerful lungs to stretch steel with each breath!

I don’t understand modern art. This is literally just a resin mold created out of a couple of 3D printed items to get the depth on the cart and text. Why is this $500+ dollars, and why the heck is a solid resin mold of a Walkman that’s had a chisel taken to it “worth” $4200?


Right, and I totally get that from a “Don’t worry about the haters” point of view. But if you take Ninja’s test case, 40,000 haters rescinding a 4.99 subscription is a *$200,000 loss* in a single month, not to mention recurrence from those subscribers.

Totally agree, and until the fact that fans *are* that fickle went public with his subscriber number dip happened, I woulda said that people would be patient and understanding. But apparently that’s not the way the world works.

Part of this comes from setting expectations to fans from the start. If you look at a lot of successful speed runners, they’re not streaming every day. 5 days, 6 days a week is pretty common, but most aren’t streaming without fail. Even that’s probably higher than it should be health-wise, but that’s another

Yep! Blizzard’s current responses are a master-class in “How to piss off just about your entire userbase”

Yep, as I said to another commenter, agreed. But if they gave Blitz an amended 6 month ban, this needed to equal that for equal rule breaking is all.

Honestly? I don’t think it would have made a difference. Had they handed out the ban instantly like with Blitz, they would have just gotten MORE “In China’s pocket” blowback for stifling speech so quickly. Doing it now is no better, but they’re just getting a different *kind* of crap for it.

Totally agreed. The punishment doesn’t meet the crime in either situation. But if they handed Blitz an (amended) 6 month ban, these guys needed the same for the same thing.

Oh, totally. I’m just saying that after the PR flacks recovered from the blows they had taken from Blitz, they really had no choice here is all. Guys and gals were probably just too punch drunk from the fallout on the first one and handling Nintendo World’s cancellation to even notice a couple college guys until it

While I’d definitely agree that they put their foot, and whole leg, fully in their mouth with the whole situation this particular ban is pretty much a required one. If they didn’t run this particular ban, people would (and were!) call out favoritism towards certain groups (non-HKers) for making political messages on

I was waiting for some denouement like a car coming by to push it further or something, but left wanting.

Any ideas on which ones work best with adding things to it? I pretty much always add onions, peppers, mushroom, maybe some sausage or ground beef. All that changes the flavor profile obviously, but more importantly, it also changes the liquid texture.

All the martial arts in the Olympics are literal physical confrontations, not self defense. Can karate be used for self defense? Sure! The way it is used in the Olympics is in an offensive, match based manner. Projectile events are utilizing tools that originated specifically to make it easier to kill people and