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Way back in the mists of time, Square used to offer mail order purchases of a few of their soundtracks on CD. One summer I spent all of my saved up cash to buy Chrono Trigger, FFVI, and FFIV Celtic Moon. They were $15 a CD, and it was 6 CDs total, so it wasn’t cheap. A better 90 bucks on music I have never spent.

Replayed it again a few months back. It ages just fine and the music (on the NES version, get thee away GBC!) is still rockin’.

I would not be surprised in the slightest if it suddenly pops up as available during the Bethesda conference at E3 this year. They did it with FO Shelter itself and they like doing those “Available now!” announcements anyway.

That’s perfectly fine. The article is about how the game industry is “worried”. I decided to provide a real world example of that. How you respond to that is totally on you.

In our game, it’s not largely tied into progress, but it is definitely a booster. We’re proud of the fact that there are several players consistently in the T100 that are either totally F2P or very close to it when it comes to loot box purchases (disregarding totally non-gameplay altering purchases like cosmetics).

Um, no. We did not and do not directly sell lootboxes to kids. No moreso than, say, Tide directly sells Tide Pods to kids. Tide doesn’t market to kids, Tide doesn’t target kids, Tide doesn’t even consider kids as part of their market share. Tide therefore didn’t directly stop kids from buying Tide Pods. Yet, kids can

Sure, but having contingencies for things like an age gate is different than spending copious design time for drawing up new monetization and economy designs that may never get used and are unknown in scope and effect. We’ve got all kinds of napkin design for how we’d look at flipping the game over to a non-loot box

One of the games that’s in active deployment at my company is a F2P loot box style game. Been running for years now and still doing well despite being older. The vast majority of our player base is in the late 20s-30s range. I mean, kids *do* play our game, because of course they do, but the game certainly isn’t made

The game itself is great and I love the engineering hurdles they overcame to get something this small looking this good.

Hey, wait. Is that Jake Spaceman on the cover to Space Wild?

Highest rate, second only to Behind Closed Ovens, may it rest in piece.

Ehh, you’re right. Hate’s definitely a bit too strong a word. “Annoyed that they take such precedence in the conversation revolving around the game” is better but much wordier.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me hate competitive tiers. We play Smash daily in our office at lunch, usually 6-8 players. Random selections, random levels (with some of the crappy ones like autoscrollers turned off) and low items with all the “Power” items like Hammers and Hearts off. 3 stock, no timer (most

While I’m picking up this bundle because it’s pretty awesome, those book icons are doing a MASSIVE marketing disservice to anyone who doesn’t know what they’d be getting with this. Those icons look like something you’d get on a $0.99 Kindle “Ninja Tips to Win At Fortnite” that’s nothing but a collection of GameFAQs

No Jim Sterling, no sale.

I had the same thoughts on the song but couldn’t come up with a hugely better alternative offhand. The only other thing I came up with while walking from the movie was REM’s ‘It’s the End of the World As We Know It’ given her choice to give up Kree culture. ‘Cult of Personality’ works better, especially since it would

That was Blitzball in FFX for me. I completely forgot about the whole “escorting the priestess” thing. I’ve got underwater soccer to play!

These are exactly the same comments whenever some article on moderation in games comes up too. “People just need to grow a thick skin. LoL/Overwatch/DOTA2 isn’t toxic, people just need to ignore the people yelling at them.”

Freakin’ Speed Racer. I will never understand the hate that that movie received. Other than Spritle. Any scene with Spritle can go fall in a bottomless pit.

I used to do QA and one game we were running crunch on we’d test for about 16-18 hours in a day. I remember one night when I went home I dreamt about the game in such detail that I was also fully running the NPC AI in my head exactly how they would act in the game. So much so that I found an as-yet unfound AI issue