It is. Not only did internal PQube QA not catch this, Sony’s didn’t either.
It is. Not only did internal PQube QA not catch this, Sony’s didn’t either.
I was working on a mobile game that’s online only, and during pre-dev, I brought up the question of “What do we do when the servers finally come down? Can we please plan for offlining the game?” The blank looks of “Why would we even bother with that?” were deafening.
My bet is that it’s a bug that got through due to both being “turrets”. Someone at Blizz turned down “turret” damage by 30% without considering that Symmetra also has things classed the same and boom.
And I’m letting him know that it’s impossible to know since it’s in the hands of the first parties which are totally black box. MS/Sony simply do not give out information while a game/patch is in certification. They’ll give out interim reports to the publisher, but those are proprietary and not to be shared with third…
Ask MS. Has to go through their patch approval process. Same applies to Sony/PS4.
Yep, mid competitive match that *would* have been a win.... DC. Thanks!
The story attached to the comic when viewed on the PA site:
Once I was out paintballing with family and friends. One of the rounds, one of the people’s guns broke in such a way that it increased the pressure but didn’t stop it from firing. We didn’t find this out until *after* I was shot in the side of the head from about 30-40 feet away. I came to myself about a minute later…
This is one of those Penny Arcades that only makes any kind of sense with the connected news story. Not that it makes it *funnier*, just makes you go “Ahh, ok. I see what they were doing there”.
What is needed for it to nipped in the bud is really the opposite of people ignoring things, but steady interaction via visible system feedback.
Ignoring it is *NEVER* the solution. It’s like spam mail. The person doing it is usually doing it to get a rise out of others, and that person *will* find someone who takes to it. Which means that congratulations, you’ve just reinforced the abuser’s behavior as positive (for themselves).
I so don’t understand why this is a thing in hentai and that I also see it in erotic fiction often.
True, but that’s not really saying much. Most graphing calculators are more powerful than the NES hardware at this point. :)
For S&G value, went and added up the sizes of all the ROMs on the Mini NES. Comes out to about 5.5 MB. So if Nintendo really wants to put a damper on quick and easy file additions, they can push it out the door with a jammin’ 8MB Flash ROM.
My big question is whether this is actual NES hardware with some kind of Everdrive or if it’s a Nintendo brewed emulator. If it’s actual NES hardware running off HDMI, I could see this being pretty big for retro streamers (especially if it can be ROM modded).
That’s definitely a good thing for me then! I play Lucio often as-is, but am horrible at booping. Sounds like I should be able to use more of Ana’s kit while still being an effective support then!
We’ll have to see how it turns out when more people have an opportunity to play as her. I do find it interesting though that it could be that a hard counter for a healer is... another healer. :)
For me it’s largely going to be about whether or not she gets a bonus/needs headshots to heal effectively. If I can body shot to heal, I can be effective all day. If headshots are required, I’ll never be picking her.
Actually, it’s pretty great against Lucio. Toss a ‘nade into the point and negate Lucio’s healing while you push onto it. Especially since that’s usually when Lucio “Turns It Up” to help stop the incoming fire. That grenade is going to play hell on my ability to hold points. <- Lucio main
While you may think otherwise, you were still one of the minority in doing that. Just as there were a minority of people using the swap trick for pirated games almost immediately on PS1 (which didn’t die) and CF/SD card based carts on GBA/DS (which didn’t die).