
Always looking forward to new Blizzard CG. They really need to get on an Overwatch movie. 99% sure that’d make millions in theaters what with Pixar quality.

That character in the second shot looks like they’re trying to go full Zoolander.

There have been *so* many times that I see a need to switch to a counter, but I wait through one or two more lives because I’ve got a charged Ult and don’t want to “waste” it. In that 1-2 minutes, that Bastion or Widowmaker or whatever just keeps on going.

And that character in the shot has blue-ish skin. Definitely Widowmaker.

That’s not really an extensive process. The above is just wordy.

It’s a French speaking voice actress, her English lines do have that French lilt to it. They really could have chosen a better line though, that one is pretty stilted.

I can just imagine the voice director’s comments there too:

A lot of times what they’ll do is mess with the character’s dialect. So the clownish type (Junkrat or such) would speak Osaka-ben, someone high-class may speak Kyoto-ben, someone from the countryside may use Hokkaido-ben, etc.

I usually play Support, and am not bad (but not amazing either), so I tend to end up with Epics pretty often. Usually I’ll vote for myself if I’ve got 3 votes and voting has petered out a little. Pushing to 4 almost always makes someone else go “Ooh, I can give that guy Epic!”. Headology!

Upon rewatching with that explanation, makes perfect sense and is pretty darned cool. Thanks!

What happened in the Rainbow Six clip? I have no idea what went on. Looked to me like he put a Roomba with a camera under a door (while clipping through a bunch of razor wire?), jumped through a window, then took out some kind of kit, placed it on the ground, walked away, then won.

Still exceedingly unlikely to make MOQ, given that they can’t advertise in any mainstream media or really anything but an adult media accepting advertising site. Which, when you think about it, may not be the worst place to advertise. You also can’t sell digitally, since Sony won’t host it on PSN.

Phantasy Star Online love! Woo!

It’s all translated into US terms. If you look at the Gameboy section, it includes a bunch of Final Fantasy Legend games, which were SaGa games in Japan.

Which they can’t do, as there are no marketplaces that would stock or sell the game. The absolute best they could do would be to sell directly off their web site, and I highly doubt that direct sales would cover the minimum order quantities required for a physical production run.

A lot of the character chatter is actually tells letting you know that ultimate abilities are ready/firing, or letting you know about enemies/turrets in the area.

It’s got its own flair that separates it from a “standard” musou game, but yeah, a lot of the gameplay does come down to killing groups of enemies.

The first one came out over a year ago, which is quite a bit of time to iterate.

Looking for some validation (or possible jeering) re: phone usage during haircuts.

Which was also FFVII’s problem, to be honest. I hated how the last 33%-ish of the game was either autoattack or Quad summon Mimic KotR/Bahamut Zero.