
Someday Love will find you

"Heroic Age" or Pacified Pliant Population Age?

WTF? This is why you don’t post from the bathroom.

The Ocean Is A Bukkake of Green by Ernest Hemingway


Now playing

Looks like things have changed little since the days of Huckleberry Hound...

Qin Lon The Azure Dragon King smiled and let out a fiert puff of satisfaction. This was the first time he was beating the Old Man playing Liubo in all their ages of sharing an afternoon game.

People need to become more aware of the horrors Japan inflicted and stop being so selective about what t happened in the War. At the same time,they also need to remember the heroes public opinion has chosen to ignore,such as 442nd Regiment of Japanese American soldiers or the heroes of the French Foreign Legion whom

I think of the RPGs I’ve played the one that I loath more after FFVIII (spit!) is probably DA2. Not even Ultima 8 felt as much as a BETRAYAL as that game did. Thankfully Inquisition regained SOME of the series’ honor.

Go back to the rock steady stability of the past and you can haz all my moneys.

Walter Hill and the ghost of Sam Peckingpah.

Generals gathered in undead masses

At leat the options are better than the first technological forays in the treatment of that pesky female hysteria...

Screw dat elf whench,Strider should’ve married the Shieldmaiden and unite both kingdoms. They’d be the first battling royal couple.

That’s where the Plasmids thay we mistake for UFOs live...

J.R.R. Tolkien - The Return of The King

Same thing happened with the Waterloo Bridge Helmet. For a long time it was thought that this was the standard headgear model for Celtic warriors but the conscensus now is that it was more a ceremonial piece.

Damn hippie deity...