
I’ve always made the case that Tamers was the most clever Digimon (you could also make the case for Adventure TRI, but feels more angsty than anything else) from all the seasons. It shows a kind of writing that maybe today many kids shows could get away with, but not at the time. And honestly, I was so into TCG that

I think that was the point :/

or you could say “Destiny, a game that defies Science” ;)

Yeah, a Destiny article in Kotaku without the little description at the beginning feels a little sadder. It’s like getting home knowing there’s was ice cream on the fridge, just to realize someone else ate it and now you don’t have ice cream :/

“Destiny, a game where players fight in the Crucible, to raise money for Children’s Hospitals” or something like that? Where’s the catchphrase :(

People are claiming that is to show Poise is back. I wouldn’t tell for certain but it does look the character stagger less...

Now playing

The trailer from the official youtube account has all the consoles listed:

I feel FROM has made an exepctional work on all their DLC’s. Dark Souls, first time I ever played it, I bought the PC version, so I experienced both vanilla and DLC for the first time. DS2, I think the DLC and SOFS patch made the game from a 6 to an 8.5 (in my opinion). Even Bloodborne’s DLC gave us lots of fantastic

I don’t play tank, but I’m proud of my Strenght Build under 100 SL, using Cathedral Knight Sword as my main weapon. Ever since DS2 I fell in love with UGS (didn’t experiment with them on DS1), and even if it can be difficult to win duels with them in DS3, it is possible, but requires more strategy and good back up

It’s not only you, it bothers me a lot too. It’s mostly because Mexicans speak spanish, and they make the relation between Latin-America (which consist of American countries that speak in Latin languages, mostly spanish) and South America, which most countries in those regions also speak spanish.

Actually, America, as a whole continent, is separated in 3 regions, which are North America, Central and South America. It’s a common ( and I honestly don’t know why) mistake that since they are defined as North, Central and South, they might be different continents, but they are not, they are different regions. I

And just for further clarification, Mexico is part of North America, not Central America either :)

I’ve only bought season pass for one game, and that was Dark Souls 3, but after 3 excellent pieces of DLC (technically 5) from their 3 previous games, I’m confident those DLC won’t dissapoint me.

Pokemon Go isn’t available (legally) here yet, but every one of my friends waiting for the game has already chosen their team. Zapdos was my first Legendary and my first shiny trading card from the base set, so I was set on Team Instinct. Glad to see another reason to join once I get the game :D

A really good and enjoyable show. As many have said, even the kid actors were pretty good in this, and that’s not generally the case. I’m gonna give some SPOILERS from the finale. As I was watching, I just couldn’t figure out how this could have a sequel, and then, at very end they threw all this curveballs at the

Same thing for me. I’ll get to play it after I finish Tokyo Mirage :)

Yeah, I expected it to be mentioned. The game looks fun, and eagerly waiting to get my copy.

I ordered Tokyo Mirage and ZTD to be delivered together by Amazon Mexico, because the shops here weren’t going to have them (at least, for now). Tokyo Mirage is on the way as I speak and will be delivered next week, but as soon as the 28th came, the date for ZTD changed to December 31, and to be delivered until

I’ve seen more people in this side of the pond receiving the game with a warmer reception than people in Japan. Maybe I’m wrong, but wouldn’t be the first time something like that happens. The Zero Escape series was almost unknown in Japan, until NA users discovered the games and sales rose enough to warrant a sequel,

Get ready USA to hear this after the presidential elections: “What do you mean that NOT voting for Hilary made Trump our next president?”