
So far, I’ve only got keys for the DLC. I’m scared of redeeming them in case I might lose them. Might try it again later after work while being on the PSN shop.

Obligatory “Bring Bayoneta 2 to REAL consoles” comment. :)

Poor Linkle, always relegated to be “the female Link” instead of the very fun to play and interesting female character from Hyrule Warriors :/

Calling it now. This is a dream sequence, and the game might have lovecraftian kind of lore, seeing how the sea it’s all black and dead seafish might be a clue. If in the next trailer, by any chance we see Del Toro’s involment (and even if not) I’m pretty sure gonna get the game.

I got Bloodborne when password coop was already available, so it was really great to play the game all around with a friend. Then, bought a mic for Dark Souls 3 and coop’d it form the very beginning to the end with a friend, and it was awesome.

I love how multiplayer-friendly this 2 titles are, because it lets you

I haven’t think about Poise being important for any of my builds in DS3. Damage Absorption on the other hand has become my priority, seeing how even tutorial enemies can kill me if they stunt-lock me with their silly knives and broken swords... :/

I just found out this week that this was out, and boy, how it helped organize my pyro build under SL100. Even discovered I could get everything I wanted with the base 8 points of vitality with it. Building my Strenght build was easy (choose Warrior). I love this tool

I thought the last arc was decent enough, but the Osaka arc was just epic. I think with a little more, time, that last fight between Kurono and the Giant alien would’ve been a more epic battle, but well, Gantz is done, so now I’m gonna focus on Gantz:G, which to me is starting really well.

The “Osaka Arc” it’s the best one of the whole series. Lots of action, lots of monsters, there’s always a tension in every chapter. I don’t know if this arc was so good that the last arc paled in comparison, or what it was, but after that, Gantz just didn’t feel the same. Also the spin-off chapters from the Osaka Arc

No Smash Mouth? I AM dissapointed...

Also, playing as a spellcaster :)

“Prepare to Die” was my first Souls, and I loved how intincrate the world was, and how good the mechanics, weapons, spells, everything about that world was. DS1 was like a first love and because of that one might tend to look at it with pink-tainted glasses. DS3, to me, is everything that DS1 and 2 got right, with a

This is my major complain about people that demand Dark Souls to have an easy mode because they feel “it’s cheap”. The game doesn’t kill you, your carelessness does. Tried to rush through a swarm of enemies? you’re gonna die. Missmanage your estus? you’re gonna die. Not leveling up and planning the growth of you’re

I thought Poise was here the same way it was in Dark Souls 2, where Poise means that your attack animations cannot be cancelled( but still ripostable) if you have higher Poise. The again, Poise hasn’t really been explained that well, and it’s not a value I look at while choosing armor...

The “Banish Zone” is where your “removed from play” cards go. I don’t play the game anymore, but I remember it used to be a hazzle to know where to put them while playing. Now, I’ve seen they’ve included the zone into the playing mats, which I guess poeple must be grateful for.

Oh, how I hated the fact that enemies dissapeared after you killed them a certain set of times. “Want to farm for souls? Sike, no more enemies for you. Want to farm for certain gear (and BTW we gave them horrible drop rates)? Sike, you can’t”. They kinda fixed it letting the Champions covenant having them respawn

I do this too. I set my sign outside the boss room, so I can learn too how to fight the boss, then fight the boss in my world, and help some more people defeat said boss.

It’s understandable, the Sunbro way of life is not fit for everyone :)
