The plot for every Soulsborne games is : You look for paleblood/the cure of the undead curse, then shit happens.
The plot for every Soulsborne games is : You look for paleblood/the cure of the undead curse, then shit happens.
But what does this mean for the Final Bosman? :(
Honestly, this is sad to read. I really wished them the best to all the staff at
If they couldn’t make it work on PC, kinda obvious it wasn’t gonna work on Mac/Linux. Still waiting for GOTY edition for PS4.
“How to Train your Kids to play Hearthstone“
Thanks mate, I’ll check it out later. So happy to know a physical edition exists :)
And of course she had to be a redhead.. (don’t have anything against natural or dyed redhead, but sounds too cliché)
I’m a Jaguar’s fan, so I’m pretty experienced on the bias front (although this season, commenters were more gentle and encouriging on their comments about the team)
I came here to say exactly that:(. Early bird and all that....
Does this game has OffTV option?
Is this only digital version on the US, or well get also a physical edition?
Just like Silver said, the move from XB1 to PC is meaningless in that Microsoft still wins with this, since their products are sold on their console and their OS. Also, with new consoles, there’s always option of virtual consoles, which brings those classics closer to the hands of consumers.
But Fire Emblem is a Nintendo property, it is their franchise, so I can’t see why you would be disappointed no to find a Nintendo game (legally) on PC...
This month, we get Final Fantasy Explorers, next month, Fire Emblem Fates, and that game alone will get most of me available time until Bravely Second.
This brightens my little sad day :D
That need to be photshoped ASAP! :D
Good thing I waited (or more likely forgot to buy them) :D
That’s not how you spell “Raphael” or “double sai”. How hard can it be? :/
“You’re a kid now, you’re Great One now”
The Hunter Axe is a pretty sweet weapon for Strenght Builds to get some ranged attacks, or at least it was until the DLC gave us the Beast Cutter. Still, I like the Hunter Axe more.