I have around 40 Madman’s Knowledge and 15 Great One’s Wisdom, and also, 90 Insight, so I know what I’ll do as soon as I get home :)
I have around 40 Madman’s Knowledge and 15 Great One’s Wisdom, and also, 90 Insight, so I know what I’ll do as soon as I get home :)
You can get 2 Blood Rocks per run, if you have the Old Hunters DLC. You get the second one, just before you fight the Orphan of Kos, on the cave to the right to the one that takes you to the boss. Warning, there are some Brain Trust and lots of other enemies. Also, you can get one Blood Rock on a coffin from a depth 5…
Well, eating a budget would scare any baker I know of :)
I guess Konami took Kojima’s Inmortality machine too because he looks way older in this video. Kidding aside, guess this is what the stress of working for a Konami that doesn’t appreciate you makes to you.
I’m happy for Kojima and wish him luck with his new sudio and projects.
It could use the same concept with a different setting and name. I’m hoping for this too...
I think either Laurence or Orphan of Kos might’ve been the most difficult fights in the DLC for me. Orphan can be so random at times, specially in its second phase, and Laurence in his second phase can be a pain, with him leaving lava trails all over the place and his crawling/slashing combo eating in a second the few…
Bloodtinge confirmed for Bloddborne’s Easy Mode...
It’s good to know the Jacksonville Jaguars aren’t the worst team on the NFL this year. I mean, don’t take me wrong, they are still pretty bad, but still...
I read it here. Also that is in America, and doesn’t mention Gaming PC so that was my bad -_-’
I read it here. Also that is in America, and doesn’t mention Gaming PC so that was my bad -_-’
Man, that was dumb on my part. Now I feel too “’murica” :/
Yup, it is a recent story, but here I read it. Also, scratch the thing about PCs, That was my bad -_-’
This is such a touchy subject. Knowing that now, more women own consoles/Gaming PCs than men should be a factor to be more inclusive in this kind of matters. It’s good to see the gaming community being more vocal about this, but for me, just like you said, I wish there were more diverstity about games being played by…
I was on my Arcane build and Augur of Ebrietas helped me a lot with this fight. It has long parry window, but still need to be careful (specially on it’s last phase).
I think I know which one you’re saying. I lost around 60k echoes in that fight, and to make things worse those [redacted] brutes absorb the echoes too, so I had to beat them to get them back (which I didn’t and that’s how I lost my echoes). While helping ppl against the last boss, I entered a world where I’m pretty…
If you’re familiar with Souls games, once you get used to Bloodborne mechanics, you can pretty much deal with every boss by yourself. You can get to the DLC portion really early in the game, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Get some lvls first and the get to the DLC. I was around 30 when I got there and pretty much…
I just beat the DLC yesterday. Glad it was done before the maintenance, because I’m not sure I could have handled those bosses (for now) by myself.
Indeed. You haven’t played Monster Hunter until you play it with the 3D on. Only reason I upgraded from my XL to NEWXL and I don’t regret it. It’s really stunning. Now, when I play at home or a place with an outlet I can use, I always have the 3D on.
You also die to the Amygdala at the little church that takes you to the Libray if you let it grab you without the Tonsil Stone, so there was a precedent. Also FROM tried to explain how to access the DLC in many places. Still, how good that Patrick posted it here, since for some people, they only get their news from…
That’s why I put in quotations. I’m gonna start a new char also to min/max the stats since some of the new weapons require stats that I didn’t invest for. The main point, this is gonna be good :)