
You could do the “lazy” thing and start a new char. Tha’s whay I’m doing because I’m afraid The Old Hunters is gonna kick my ass on NG+...

I won’t go into details, but if you’re looking for some good Skill equipment, you won’t be dissapointed :).

I’m actually gonna start a new char, just to play the DLC in a first run basis. What I’ve seen about the weapons, is that we have even more options for all the stats. Even Arcane builds are getting some (really needed) great weapons and Hunter Tools. I’m gonna try an run Strenght/Arcane with this new char, just so I

Japan, apparently :)

“Why can’t Link be a woman?” Ehmm... because, you know, he’s a man, that identifies as a man in the gender specter. Let’s not force a political agenda into this. Linkle is not the female version of Link as people want her to be. She has her own feeling and motivations (based on what we’ve seen on the trailers and

I ihink in my first run, I had the Kirkhammer at 4 or 5 too, but had the fire paper to help in this battle. Also, because I knew I wanted the Kirkhammer as my main for PvE, I put lots of points on Strength. I think I was around 25-30 at the time. Indeed, weapons sometimes seem like they do little to no damage to

Theres a consummable item that you get around that area tha prevents her from healing. You get 4 of those (If i remember correctly). You need weapon upgraded at least to +3 to make decent damage to that thing. I went with the Kirkhammer (sword that transforms into hammer) on my first playthrough and I don’t remember

I killed it with no blood vials, After taking most of his live, and it taking all my blood vials and what was left of mine, I run to its back, started mashing R1 like crasy and finally it died. No other game has made me jump in joy and tears after defeating a boss.

I had to learn how to “cheese” those bosses because they were brutal against me. I spent hours trying to pass that part of the chalice dungeons and almost gave up but I was so happy when it ended. Even though I’ll start a new file, I won’t be touching the chalice dungeons for a while :D.

Sometimes I even parry when they hit me, so I only stun them and gain a few hits or a chance to heal. Bosses tend to do continuous hits, so I try to shoot when they do that and most of the times it works. Works wonders against enemies like Logarious, specially in his second phase. A good way to practice are the trolls

Indeed. I’ve heard/read people saying the weapons don’t do much damage, the Bosses have too much health and too difficult, etc. But they just split points all around, don’t upgrade weapons, and other mistakes people not familiarized with Souls games might do.

I’m gonna throw humility to the side for a moment and say proudly that I platinum’d this [explicit] by myself (the main reason, I didn’t have PS+ at the time, so I couldn’t play online mode....) The game is hard but exciting and as you say, once you’ve gone through your cautious first run, the second run you pretty

Actually, yeah, my PC could run most of the AAA games I bought without any problem, but since it was time to upgrade, and I don’t have as much time to play games or money to do so, I decided to get a console already. Also, I’m planning ahead for Dark Souls 3. Besides, I was really interested about trying Destiny,

Being honest, I’ve loved PC Gaming since the longest time. Almost 7 years of playing games exclusively there (except for some Nintendo games in their proper consoles) but I ports are having more and more problems, and my financial situation isn’t getting better so I decided to get a proper console for this gen. I

If you don’t think it’s surreal, you clearly haven’t read it long enough. Latter chapters deal with tons of supernatural phenomena besides the zombies. I won’t go into much detail about it, but clearly this starts as a zombie manga and later becomes into somthing way bigger than that.

I wasn’t so thanks for thar clarification :D.

I think the last line might’ve been “Hay Dios, have mercy” which translates to “Oh God, have mercy” seeing how Chavez it’s a pretty common latin name. Great article, and makes me respect even more the hours translators and debuggers take to release a quality game.

When they made the “Souls” reference, that’s exatly what I thought :).