
How much is the package where you guarantee that one of Kotaku’s authors would actually reply to my posts? Also, does that include the faster replies? :D

“They’re just asking about what time we’re gonna close and they just didn’t sound like they were legitimate customers.”

Well, it might be for Xbox users, because last I heard (not really following Destiny news) they didn’t get any of the DLC until the release of The Taken King Edition.

Awesome Trailer. Cannot wait to see th show :)

I haven’t tried but I’ll use the HDD that I took from my PS4 when I swapped for the 2TB.

Created by whom again?

I read at least with Google Chrome some people were experiencing issues while trying to load youtube videos, and the only solution was to disable AdBlock.

I really like the new costumes. I knew the game had the fanservice costumes before, but didn’t even care about them. Call me a prude or whaterver, but I like this decision by Nintendo, but I don’t approve they didn’t communicate the change to the fans.

Wesker: “I’m going to show you the Tyrant”

There, I did it :)

I wish I could play Shadow of the Colossus on my PS4 :/

No witch of Izalith, no Ciaran or Gough or Quelaag? Still, great poster

I bought it on Amazon. Not sure if that is possible. Might have to check it out later...

I just bought one two weeks ago T_T.

Everytime I read a Destiny article, I feel like maybe it’s about time I get my own copy, now that I have a PS4... Everything sound so exciting ^_^

When people ask for Monster Hunter for the Vita, this are exactly the points I tell them why it’s not gonna happen. Then they, refute saying that Monster Hunter started on Sony and that the Vita is WAY better console than the 3DS. I won’t deny it is, but there’s a reason why games like Monster Hunter, which thrive on

If you mean Dark Souls 2, the yes. The game was ok, but the DLC really elevates the game to another level. I would say that the only reason the game keeps being played is exactly because The Three Crowns DLC pretty much fixed the story and saved a pretty flawed and barebone experienced...

To be honest, the PC version of Dark Souls was my first approach to the series, but I’m glad I got it with the extra content. So far all From’s DLC has surpased my expectatives and I’m hopping the same for Bloodborne’s DLC.

I cannot belive one of the best expansions on recent years isn’t even mentioned: Artorias of the Abyss.

But those that make year 1 raids worthless too? I just don’t want to buy the game if the only “worth” playable thing is the latest expansion...