You should watch it. It has great action sequences, awesome art direction, and even good acting (for a Star Wars movie). My problem is with the script, but I have to admit that a lot of people didn’t mind it, so maybe I’m just being pedantic.
You should watch it. It has great action sequences, awesome art direction, and even good acting (for a Star Wars movie). My problem is with the script, but I have to admit that a lot of people didn’t mind it, so maybe I’m just being pedantic.
Can’t understand why I could never get into this game. On paper it’s right up my alley, but there’s something about the (to me) clunky UI, the music/sound, and the general feel of it that’s off-putting. I’m sure I’ll give it a 20th shot soon. Really want to love it.
Focusing on 4K is a colossal waste. Focus on framerates, more complex simulations, higher player counts, ANYTHING but fucking 4K. Breath of the Wild looks just fine on my 4K set thanks to decent upscaling, and I would be perfectly contented if the next Switch remained a 1080p system.
What about Waria and Walouise?
It worked well as a true post-apocalyptic sim for me. Like...there ain’t anyone around! They died!
I also dug FO76. Give me a big world to explore and stealth kill baddies in and I’m easily pleased. I also didn’t mind the audio log stories as I could keep playing while getting some story and some of the story I liked.
“the update will also be overhauling the base game with the intent to make its story more coherent and its questline more approachable for new players”
I’m in. I actually dug FO76 for what it was, but I’d like to see more of what it COULD be.
That very much depends.
If you enjoyed the core loop of FO4 (explore -> kill -> scavenge -> craft), FO76 is basically more of that, only with more stuff to kill and more stuff to craft. It has plenty of interesting POIs and lore to discover as well.
Gee, it’s almost like people can still enjoy a flawed game.
I wish I could just buy this instead of having to subscribe to a service to play it. It looks cute.
I don’t have a sleeve. I have a glass screen protector, and that’s never been scratched while docking.
I mean, there’s a ton about this game that’s mockable....
The latest Detective Pikachu trailer shows a rather down-in-the-dumps electric rodent sleuth. Online in Japan,…
Yes, we all know the bottom line is money. But there is a reason it works so well. It encourages kids to link up and connect with their friends/siblings, because you can’t get them all just by yourself. From a gamer standpoint, we are all thinking - it is just so they can sell me the game twice! But, kids aren’t…
Fallout’s zany characters and dialogue is what makes fallout fallout.
Yeah, this is a movie and not a video game, but a lot of people who worked on the film have been doing loads of…
The only thing you know about them is that they’re using a live human for target practice, and your first instinct is to make friends with them?