
Ughk, another adaptation that falls into the ‘costume not an outfit’ trap. I appreciate bearing for accuracy but at a certain point you end up creating ‘toys’ of the characters being depicted, not actual, breathing, living people in a story. If you had told me this was an cosplay indie-showcase, this would be

This is a problem I have with a lot of anime movies, but the costumes look really cheap and fake, like they’re cosplay accessories rather than proper film costumes. I think it’s because the colours are too bright or something.

Praying snow monkey

Now playing

But what do you do with them once you find them?

Now playing

Though you have to admit there are...other ways to get a Dragon Ball.

From the headline, I was hoping that Dr. Doom was the one doing the jive-talking, and Luke was proud of him for that.

So I can be your devil.... but can I be your angle???

Not enough Galidor on this list. Such a bad move that was. It was Lego attempt to get into the action figure market. But the show was crap, and so were the toys. The little web game they had was nice, though.