so are they gonna make a new Jak and Daxter after this or another Uncharted?
@dj-hq: but always remember to end it with letting them catch something thats actually catchable or they might loose interest in trying to catch things which is bad.
@pixelsnader: yeah that was my first thought too, Google are usually good at keeping the design simple.
@Kommandant45: yeah 24 hours gave a chance to try the apps out for a day, not all apps can be tested in 15 minutes.
@WestwoodDenizen: even through its the wrong color i'm sure you can control people with lower IQ's with it.
it crashes every time its syncing when i use it.
i just hope HTC is fast to get gingerbread on the Desire HD.
the pull your glove half off hack, now undressing is a way of hacking.
anyone else using the Chrome dev build who suddenly got problems accessing folders when uploading, i got no problems in canary or IE but when i try to access any folders it says i don't have permission and when i go into libraries there are no folders?
@dracosummoner: hiding in plain sight.
@Demonbird: i'm in Europe, its hard to get atm but i should get mine this week, i bought it without a carrier etc, its not cheap but i don't really care.
@MrGOH: you can find some if you search on google :)
@Demonbird: HTC Desire HD :P
@Demonbird: me too, hopefully, which are you getting?
@safil: hes on twitter too
@zerotheloner: the "forgotten" genius who changed electricity as we know it, i got more respect for that guy than for Edison.
@hawkeye18 hath verily: Tesla was a smart guy.
@franco1975 [Troll ]: lead underpants?