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    didn't they announce this for PS3? it looks fun

    hmm interesting, might change the fact that when people your subscripted to uploads one of those "games" you get a lot of videos that doesn't make sense without knowing where the original is and i hate looking through all of those videos to get them off my "from subscribes" list :/

    thats just one of those fails that some game companies seem to make sometime, when they just don't think it all the way through..

    that dog is just yelling something like: "i know i get exited by boxes sometimes but thats just ridicules" or something like that

    and then it gets YLOD :P you send it back to Sony, do you think they will just give you a new? X'p

    @Dante_Ravenkin: yes, just some cameras and light effects and maybe a build in movie maker or just some way to export it, if we were able to put cameras around we could make awesome movies, they even give crowns to good movies on youtube.

    @Goni: yeah, a lot of my friends would probably not play if they had to pay :/ i really hope Sony doesn't do anything stupid.. i wouldn't mind paying a little extra for DLC and downloadable games but i would not pay for something i already have payed for.. its like you pay for the TV, the console, the game, the

    they can't seriously mean this.. its the best thing about PSN.. how many people would not be able to use it if they had to get money to use it :/ the reason Modnation Racers is a PS only game is because United Front Games wanted everyone with a connection to the internet should be able to share and race other peoples

    @cyruss: i'm just happy my PS3 is working perfectly but i feel kinda sad for one of my friends who lost his Xbox because of RROD and had no warranty so he had to earn the money again and his family is kinda poor :/ the reason he doesn't have a PS3 is because he have to give most of his money so they can pay for food.

    how much have Microsoft lost so far because of RROD?

    i could use an option to store save files on the PSN instead of HDD, just an online backup option for save files

    @spyder2g: never known anybody that have been deleted, and i got an inFamous lvl and a lvl that shows you how to make iron Man, and one of my friends got a 300 lvl.

    @ichiban1081: hmm i bought it for about the double of the price those cost but you can probably get them cheaper used, because it was a year ago or so, its called HBH-DS980

    not even thinking of buying this since i got a nice set of in-ear bluetooth headset from Sony Ericsson that works (almost) perfectly with the PSP Go's bluetooth (except it doesn't show which track your listening on the little display and you cant use it to change track while being in the Sens me channels) so if you

    well i already got the game and the Gigawatt Blades so i don't really care about this :/ i cant wait for a sequal, one of the best games in 09

    i personally wont mind having it on my "bookshelf", its different and thats what makes it awesome :D

    @TrueCrime: i'm gonna make a face sticker ;) i might release it in a lvl

    @Bonuslevel: i heard a rumor that they fold out when you press R2/L2 but its just a rumor, and i know as a fact that the blades/gloves are a separate part :)

    heres a better picture (in my opinion)