I figure the smell would be the first sign, but I still make him check. So far, so good.
I figure the smell would be the first sign, but I still make him check. So far, so good.
Meanwhile, everyone ordered water with tons of lemons on the side and packets upon packets of sugar (we had to frantically cut more lemons because they ran through what we had allotted for the whole restaurant for the whole day). Any server will tell you that very little is more frustrating than someone trying to…
The Handmaid's Tale and The Bluest Eye have actually been banned by my school district in this exact same way. Parents showed up and read the "dirty" bits of the book during the public comment time at the board meeting and the five school board members, (who are all elected and paid $2K more than a first year teacher…
I am truly conflicted. The desire to share that first trimester abortions are fairly simple, fast and safe procedures is good. The desire to film yourself getting an abortion is creepy. The fact that a sex educator is not using any kind of birth control (don't even fucking START with the rhythm method...) and believes…
I have lurked on this site for years, but I never commented....until today, because this story hit home. First of all, I commend this woman greatly for doing this video and erasing the social stigma of abortions. When I was 19, I was dating a guy and I became pregnant. We used protection, but the condom broke. I was…
I was hating hipsters before you had ever heard of them.
Well yeah, but the particular section about the double standard really sounds like it's a dig at someone, not really something that even a rather ostentatious, arrogant young person would brag about, whereas being a self-proclaimed dick sucking queen is more believable. That part just didn't pass the smell test for me.
Absolutely. Our guy (2 years old at the time) definitely picked us. We had the shelter people open his cafe and he trotted over and started rubbing his face all over my partner's hand.
For some reason I assumed Petsmart and other corporate pet stores would be supporting animal breeders and not rescuing animals...am I totally wrong?
or Ms. Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins.
The Martian by Andy Weir. Not quite SciFi but so close to it, plus being somewhat realistic AND a complete irreverent and snarky hero. So. Worth. It.
Yes! Though, full disclosure, I am mixed race, half Native American and half Irish. I always get asked why my mom is so dark and told that I don't "look Native." It's infuriating. I have no suggestions on how to deal with this, but I do scream about it to my husband fairly often.
I just finished LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness and I'm a huge Octavia Butler fan! I will definitely check out the others on your list though!
So I'm putting together a list of books to read over the summer. I'm a sci-fi type of person. Any suggestions on books that I should definitely check out?
Getting that taken care of must have been awkward. How many doctors did it take? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight . . . ?
While he certainly deserves a fair trial, his story is incredibly hard to believe. Who doesn't check to see that the person in the bathroom isn't an their partner before opening fire?! How did he not hear her screams after the first shot? That doesn't mean it isn't theoretically possible that he's innocent, but I can…
He wants to be edgy, he should make a t-shirt that says "KLEZMER" on it.