
Anyone else things that its kind of ironic that a game with such a main theme of opression, social standards and old thinking has the most draconian streaming policy ever seen?

I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.

Stop trying to calm their righteous outrage with your common sense! There is no place for your facts amidst all this Twitter remonstration! The people need to know that things that don’t apply to 99.9% of them are happening!

Leggings ban?

Screw you NCSoft! I swear these guys actually ENJOY pissing on the CoH community! There is no explanation for it. They shut the game down while it was still popular and making them money. They refuse to sell or license the engine or IP to any of the interested buyers. Now they do this?

As opposed to being a established player griefing newbies? Karma is a bitch. Also tricking someone like this is called fighting smart.

I get it.

But Scarlett johansson just hasn’t the right physique for the role.

Another article highlighting people that are “triggered” by this movie and it’s choice of actress for the lead... and another time that I’ll leave this here:

Sangenjaya at Night. Tokyo, Japan. By Matt Laycock.

“you play as Will, a shopkeeper who must spelunk dungeons to get the materials for his shop. I died quickly, but it didn’t matter: I still had stuff to sell.”

God fucking damnit.

I am so incredibly tired of this kind of horseshit happening constantly. It was a fucking joke, and all of these thin-skinned, pitchfork carrying pieces of shit that take the slightest infraction on their own fragile senses can fuck right off.

Is this really the world we live in now? One where people

This world is fucking stupid now.

I get it. I do. But Jesus Christ. Man loses his job over an old hat joke that has been told a million times before in a million different formats?

This world is fucking stupid now.

I’ve never heard of this person before, but that is a pretty tame joke to carry that much backlash. Get a grip, guys.

Are you kidding me? You don’t seem to get how this works. Press agents are dreaming up scandals for her as we type! I imagine the first one will involve some fan who sells all he owns to follow her around the world.

She has her roots in Gibson, who called it first with Idoru.