
Interesting. I would love to see a mod that does the same thing, only with bones. Having a dino-bone hut, with a gaping maw of a T.Rex or equivalent to house the door would be rather wonderful.

Indeed. None of the videos on their YouTube channel are available in the US.

Jamoke, eh? The term has an interesting etymology.

Best? What form of best. Best to join? Best addition to the lore? Best in terms of the story added to this particular game?

Color me a fanatic (I am sure Tzeentch knows which colors those would be), but I pre-ordered the moment I saw that the Chaos race package would be included with pre-orders. It certainly feels as though I am in the minority, given the reaction others have demonstrated. However the opportunity to get the Chaos faction,

Now playing

There is also a rather nice video up, showing the mod in motion.

Perhaps the Children of the Atom are not as crazy as most people think.

Family squabbles in Star Wars are always quite problematic, neh?

A Steam version is indeed in the works. Also coming to Nintendo as well it seems.

I presume you have not yet encountered the changes that occur at the Quarry?

He waits behind the secret door, in a palace of tortured glass. Knock and he comes. Zario!

Looks like the status quo is being maintained then, neh?

Many of the Ultima series of games (for PC that is) had really wonderful manuals. They not only supplied information about the game, but had in-universe story, art and so forth. A few official compilations even existed, when the games of the series were (originally) re-released in bundles.

Xenonauts has had a great fan/modding community. So much so that an “official” community edition of the game exists that is quite good. No reason why the same cannot occur here. That said, even though I have not (yet) acquired the game, it getting dumped by the developers still feels quite wrong.

No-one else did one with Zardoz? Well someone had to.

A decent collection there. Thousand year door in particular was one of my favorite GameCube games, right up there with other gems like Skies of Arcadia.

Huh, no Neurax Worm in the mobile version? That is one of my favorite types in the PC edition; well that and the Zombie virus (and chimp virus) and all the mods of course.

Reminds me very strongly of Skies of Arcadia, with a touch of Ar Tonelico and Final Fantasy here and there. Looks good, I hope the Anime turns out well.

These videos sure are SPECIAL.

Yes! So much yes.