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Good article. Definitely on my list of places to visit if I ever go to Japan. A YouTuber named InitialDave put up two good videos back in 2012, one showing the route downhill from the parking lot at the top, another on how to get there from Shibukawa.

Odin Sphere is a great game, played the hell out of it when it came out. Of course I cannot help but think of this particular comic from Penny Arcade whenever I hear something about the game.

It looks good, but not 39.99$ good.

So, if this project is handled anything like the NA release of the game, we will be hearing tidbits about it for years... and then nothing. The anime would actually get created and finalized, and then never released in any region.

A shame Destiny is never coming to PC. Looks like a lot of fun, I have certainly enjoyed all the drama surrounding the game.

I guess it would depend on which incarnation of the C’tan we are talking about. If it is the more recent one... well how many of the shards of one of them have managed to get back together? One alone would be bad enough, but get too many... well bad things begin to happen.

I still quite love the early games in the series. They are jam-packed with so much flavor that I still remember them fondly. Last time I played through them again (only a few years ago) I was still rather pleased with how well they held up over time. Quite the wonderful games when they came out, still worth

But did it follow the room layout from the MERP supplement?

You never know what you will run into.

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Yeah, saw Scott Manley (he also does great Kerbal Space Program vids) show off Infinifactory back in January. Still looks really cool.

Just what the world needs, an early experiment into The Cube.

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Yeah, Merfish’s videos are a real joy. I am particularly fond of his ones with the whale.

I agree, more cats should have survived the apocalypse... in one form or another.

Sincerely hoping for sheet meat soon enough that I can actually enjoy it this lifetime. Next step? Replicators.

I think we know where this is going.

Rogue (the 1980 ascii adventure game) really should have made the list. That or Colossal Cave Adventure (1976).

The game engine looks pretty interesting. NPC pathing looks alright, most did a good job of running away from the PC, save the one(s) who ran by the TV a few times. A good job of highlighting NPCs and such through buildings for visibility purposes. The appearance of environments looks nice. I’ll have to look elsewhere