All Hail The Big Cat

“False narrative”

Can someone explain this photo of Colonel Crazies’ from Covington Catholic to me? What the fuck is going on here?

“Fear was not our reason”

I don’t think we should comment until we see the WHOLE game.

Where is his stupid fucking hat?

Fuck everything. This kid will literally get fucking FAME out of being a complete shit. Sometimes I just want to give up. Christ.

I totally agree that Pence, who lies to cover up injustice, who’s smug moral superiority manifests in oppressing innocent people, is the opposite of what Christ taught. But on the other hand, he’s the best example of what it is to be a white fundie evangelical Christian in America. He’s the perfect embodiment of every

Wrong website, bitch.  Keep it moving.

Honestly I’m glad. The last thing I want to see is him blathering about King because a) he probably doesn’t anything about King, b) he’s not going to mean anything he says, c) he’s just going to make it about himself.

Oh, look, another new nonsense “explanation!”

Fuck off, Tomato.

My husband and I are seriously discussing the logistics of kidnapping this kid and carving MAGA into his forehead (Inglorious Basterds style). Interested parties can apply for participation below.

I can live with that

This is an example why Christian schools and Christianity are getting labelled as shits that they can’t shake off. Just posturing at being moral than actually doing.

If only they’d taken a moment to listen they may have noticed that the rhythm and song being expertly performed is achingly beautiful. The mockers display an astounding lack of rhythm or understanding of what they’re seeing.

This is why Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States needs to be an academic standard across this country..

They would learn that it’s been well documented that Native American’s, especially in North America, were socially some of the most, if not the most, advanced culture in the world.


Yeah and they lord that sanctimonious “We feed America” bullshit over everyone to justify their small minded ignorance and racist attitudes.