The national park requirement seems like it would really skew the results of this.
The national park requirement seems like it would really skew the results of this.
I got to the 2nd paragraph and spit out my coffee. Um Gone with the Wind. Anyone ever heard of it, clearly not OP.
I find it hilarious that this burns your ass this much.
Um, considering Hermione was a super smart badass fighting monsters in Harry Potter saving Harry’s and Ron’s asses throughout the books and movies, I’m listening. What happens next?
Nothing in the 2 episodes of this series is more painful than watching the Gollum scenes n the Two Towers.
Ah yes, Jackson totally stayed true to the source material when he rewrote Faramir’s interaction with Frodo and Sam in the movie.
So what you're saying is that this is really about the ethics of video games journalism.
Right, Aragorn comes to mind.
Lol, dissent to what? That black actors play elves and dwarves in a fantasy series?
Yep, I'm in southeastern PA as well and 2020 was really bad. Each year I've seen less and less of them. I even taught my dog to kill them.
Lol, once upon a time way before I knew Musk was involved, I sent my info to Starlink so they could send me offers to their internet services when they came to my area because why not look for alternativs (supposedly it was very soon). That was over 4 yrs ago. So sure, Starlink is coming to save the poor’s in Brazil fr…
So a child sex trafficker wants to hire and pal around with a white supremacist murderer. Sounds about GQP.
I had a similar experience at a Nine Inch Nails concert in 94. We were close to the stage for the Jim Rose Sideshow Circus. When NIN came on it got UGLY quick. The group of friends I was with all got separated from each other within an instant. I remember trying to make my way out of the crowd and grabbing a girl who…
Megyn Kelly is a disingenuous, race baiting hypocrite who is desperate to build an audience for her little radio show so she can get back in front of the cameras. As her attempt to pivot from Fox News to mainstream proved, she’s thoroughly unlikable with the charm and charisma of toe nail clippings, dead skin that…
I’m right there with you. I’m not anti-theater, but I haven’t gone in years. It wasn’t like I made a concious choice to avoid movie theaters; I just prefer to spend my time and money doing other things than sitting in a dark theater with a bunch of strangers. That was before the pandemic. Now, forget it. Add in how…
This! He may feel great due to the side effects of the drugs he’s currently on, but he’s going to look even worse than he normally does. You can only hide being sick for so long.
It’s as if Layafayette’s own Mayor Larry Vaughn has never heard of the Streisand effect and just keeps doubling down on his and the police department’s incompetence.
Interesting that he used Brett Favre, an addict who sexually harassed women throughout his career, as an upstanding example. And funny that he forgot to mention that 17yr old white supremacist militant playing wannabe Rambo who murdered 2 people while the police looked the other way.
It’s confusing but it’s only through the Roku Channel. My understanding is that HBO Max and Peacock want the stand alone app deal that Netflix and Disney have with Roku. Their apps are not sold through the Roku Channel while HBO could be subscribed through it. If you buy HBO hrough Roku, they control the data, etc not…
I’m in the same boat though I’m considering either the Tivo 4K streamer or heaven forbid Apple TV. I originally picked Roku because I didn't want to be in an ecosystem like Amazon or Apple but here we are.