All Hail The Big Cat

Where did the WaPost drag him as a racist? They reported on a story of a video taken in a public space. He was certainly offered a chance at rebuttal by numerous news sources. And it’s unfortunate that you think it’s fucked up that a school sponsored trip to protest Roe vs Wade draped in political attire turned into a

If this is tomato, man you're losing your trolling touch. McCarthy was very much aligned with racists and white supremacists. One could very well argue that he's the blue print for the GOP's Southern Strategy. Get it together tomato. 

Oh this? This is a pathetic man who is under the delusion that he’s sticking it to the libs yet only conveys his desperate thirst for applause and adoration that can never be quenched. And the Everybody Hurts Sometimes soundtrack is Donnie Two Scoops’ inner turmoil as Nancy Pelosi continues to steal his thunder. 

I told my SO that we were going to witness Boss Tweed/Tammeny Hall levels of corruption when Trump was elected POTUS. I just thought we’d only learn about it 6 to 8 years in, not before he was even sworn in for crying out loud. I completely underestimated DJT’s stupidity. A Confederacy of Dunces should be the title of


Maybe I’m just old and see all of this very differently, but I wouldn’t call Bundy a cultural icon by any means. Prince is a cultural icon. Ted Bundy is a monster whose crimes changed local law enforcement and FBI procedures that were severely lacking and were outdated for a changing world. He wasn’t perplexing

Seriously, still going at Jr? When everybody else had left? Sad.

Ok Jr. 

Cool story Jr. I'm sure they love you more than Eric. You'll always have that.

Look Jr. Daddy's never going to love you. Join Tiffany at the kids table.

That's all you got? Sad.

Chief Lies His Ass Off

Hear that sound? It's the hit dogs hollering.

I'm sorry what does Two Scoops Donnie have to do with this. 

No, he's guilty of being a spoiled, entitled smirking  brat whose mommy and daddy will hire a PR firm when caught acting like an asshole in public and will buy his way out of any trouble he gets himself into. Got it now.

Part of me wants to hear Caricature of a Jalop Tailpipe Fucker’s explanation as to why the GOP controlled House and GOP controlled Senate didn’t give the GOP POTUS his 5.7 billion dollar vanity, racist wall within the past 2 years if it was such national security issue. The other part of me knows it’ll be a bat shit

Again, how could Mr. Phillips move out of the way once he was encircled by the mob of white teens. These 16/17 yr olds who claim to follow the gospel of Christ simply could have walked away. But obviously, decked out in their MAGA gear, they clearly had an agenda and were looking to get a rise out of people as they

You mean a toy gun. Also, Tamir was a 12 year old playing at a rec center. The Covington Catholic high school jack asses are 16/17 year olds at the Lincoln Memorial harassing women walking by with chants like it’s not rape if she enjoys it, you fucking hypocritical piece of shit. And you only reinforced my point.

Of course, the spoiled, entitled brat isn’t sorry. He’s been told by his parents, his school, his church and now the Today Show that he’s always right. So regardless of his behavior, and this is the most important point, he’s been taught and now reinforced that he’s the right sort of person.

I think that is a troll account.