All Hail The Big Cat

While I’d argue that Laura never had a soul considering in the 80's she secretly taped and outed gay students at Dartmouth, this pretty much sums up both her and Tucker Carlson’s evolution from regurgitating “respectable” GOP dog-whistles to outright spewing white nationalism on FOX News. She’s nothing but a disingenuo

I’ve got $1 that she’ll use those kids as a shield for her racist rant. She’ll clutch her pearls and grab the smelling salts, declare that she can’t be racist if she’s the mother of immigrant children of color, you’re the racist for pointing out the racism of her aactual words against her own children!

Nice to know. Now you don’t have to watch.

I first started BCS before Breaking Bad. I was looking for something to binge and was torn between the 2 shows. BCS was less of a commitment at the time. So watching BCS first (I eventually watched BB), I tend to have a very different perception of the universe than BB fans. I, like you, loathe Walter White and I’m ind

It’s always fascinating to me that people act like enterprises such as Netflix, Amazon, or Hollywood in general are catering to “coastal elites” at the expense of “middle America.” These are capitalistic ventures. They aren’t pushing a political agenda for crying out loud. People in “middle America” like Better Call

Of course, our shitty system works just fine for Meghan McCain. She’s earned her money the old fashioned way; she inherited it.

Meghan isn’t going to say shit to Whoopi’s face. She saw first hand a pissed off Whoopi kick Pirro’s ass out of the building. I just wish I had seen it.

You’re confusing Denton with AJ Daulerio. 

Let's be honest here, white American evangelicals never had any principles. These are the same people that supported slavery, then supported Jim Crow and now support locking brown toddlers in cages. It’s quite apparent they only believe in the gospel if it can be used to wield their power and keep the wrong sort of

Why is it that Racist Barbie, Milo and all the other hate trolls cry the loudest (looking at you Sarah) when they’re faced with the anti-PC, your feelings and common decency don’t matter vitriol that they’ve been spewing for fame and fortune. Look triggered snowflake, you don’t get a safe space. This is the world you

You’re projecting all over Vogel. He gave no indication he was cackling with glee. Nor did he say he wished he had their power to to oppress to them. And sorry there is a MASSIVE difference between people who choose to be xenophobic and people who are indifferent to the consequences the likes of Manafort might

There have been multiple postings with links of actual quotes and video regarding Tucker’s race baiting. You apparently want to play dumb which is why both you and Tucker are bullshiters clutching your pearls. And if you think it's frightening that everyone who's not in political lockstep gets labeled a monster then

Again, you're being disingenuous as is Tucker. You keep dancing around strong borders when we're talking about the actual racist comments that have come out of Tucker's mouth on air that have nothing to do with "strong borders." What's insane and doesn't lead to anywhere good is perpetuating white

And you're a troll. Get a better hobby.

You’re being disingenuous as is Tucker Carlson in his claim for strong borders. He literally had a white nationalist from Canada on his show complaining about the Latino population in Arizona most who are American citizens born and raised. Fuck Tucker Carlson and his race baiting bullshit and fuck you for your

Tucker lost that sweet TV money once. The epitome of white male mediocrity will put on the white robes and burn a cross at his desk to keep his gig at Fox News if need be.

When has that ever stopped them?

Jonmakesbeers, hey there brah, I’ve lived around enough drunk white Americans to call bullshit on your “loud” cultural theory. College kids, the blow hard white guy pontificating at the bar, hillbillies, well, anywhere. I bet you’ve even been one of them. So really take a good hard look in the mirror. 

Just because something is familiar to you doesn't mean it isn't racist. 

According to the SC, I can! This is the world Sarah wanted. Now she gets to live in it.