
It’s stated because it’s true. It was his truck in the way, so one would assume he knew it was there. However, you’re going too fast for the environment if you can’t correct for things that occur. If lifting causes oversteer, then it was too fast for the environment. Lifting mid corner means too much speed.

so basically; jackass wrecks obsolete car while driving like a jackass. In other news, every modern car in production makes a safe stop under similar circumstances, including corollas and 12 year old pick-up trucks with ABS

Any vehicle but the cheesewagon is insane to me. If the school is less than two miles away, the pudgy little bastards should walk or bike to school. Over two miles away, let ‘em take the school bus.

We can always make more children, lets wear the helmets and let them have the wind in thier hair.

I love 80s and 90s cars for all those things. Even large family sedans from those eras were (mainly) low-slung, and with plenty of visibility. But I am not sure when the last good year was. It certainly wasn’t 2014, as by then, most designs had already succumbed to the taller-than-necessary, high-beltline / small

“We knew autonomous cars were coming - what we didn’t know was that Chevy was going to force reliance on safety aids by slowly closing off the outside world..”

I make around $50k/year, maybe a couple more in any given year from flipping things on Ebay or doing really well at rotisserie baseball.

I feel like I’m absurdly conservative (for once) in thinking that a base Camaro with a couple of options (say $29-30k) is right on the outer edge of what is reasonable for my

That would be difficult since the engine would be bigger than the car

I’ve always thought it best to teach a new stick driver to feel where the clutch grabs at idle before telling them to raise the revs. A good driver on flat ground shouldn’t need 3,000 rpm to start rolling away.

They need a radio message for that in DTM?

He is there to solicit “donations” for the current party in power, so that they win in 2016, in return for major openings into Defense Department contracts. It is cronyism, plain and simple, there is no reason for a SECDEF to be hobnobbing there. DoD has some of the best and brightest already working for them, at a

My favorite is and will always be The DeTomaso Mangusta.

Further proof, no matter how high up the promiscuous-career ladder you climb, you always rely on the duck-face.

Good on the company. At no point during the flight (Read: during and after pushback to engines off) should ANYONE other than flight crew and off duty pilots in the jumpseat (if provided) be allowed in the cockpit. Knowing how airlines are, it’s not very likely these pilots will hold the yoke of a passenger carrying

I know I’m going to get no stars for this, but it’s fun to mention.

The B5 Audi A4. Launched in the ‘90s, it’s what brought Audi back from almost-dead.

How has nothing been done about the size of pillars on vehicles? Does the industry as a whole just pretend to ignore the fact that everyone is stating hatred for the size of them? I understand that it is for safety reasons but they also compromise safety by creating blindspots. Shouldn’t this be what engineers are

Get Pictures First, I have had a couple of people hit me and take off. ow I take a picture of the license plate (tag) at the back of the vehicle (Florida only has license plates in the back) and the picture of the driver. If they run, you have the evidence.