
You may be right but many insiders also said that Nissan sold these at a loss for a couple years. So they added content and then boosted the price to actually cover the R&D costs. Huge performance plus low price made a mark, created demand, at which point Nissan could raise te price slowly over the years.

Oh, come on! The tires have Nitrogen in them. It's like air without oxygen, so the inside of your tires will never rust.

  • Google in 2004: "Don't be evil"

Ugh. So many obscure references. It'll take me an hour to Google all of them so I can understand this post...

None taken, I was an employee not a customer :) and not all people who rent are terrible. Many of them save up for months knowing they will never be able to afford to buy one, and they spend a weekend road tripping on great roads, and have an amazing time, and that's their vacation. I like those people; the ones who

Am i the only one that doesn't hate the way it looks? I hate the fullsize suv segment in general, but if we have to deal with it, surely they could have done worse. I personally think it looks better than both the new escalade and the current gen navigator. It actually looks styled, instead of just throwing a bunch of

Cars were a tool that allowed us to flee the slumlords and corrupt transportation wonks/union-bosses in the inner-cities. Slowly but surely, suburbia has become as oppressive as the city rent and taxes. The economics of cities are becoming preferable again, and as population density rises in urban areas, personal

I know, we all say the best LeMans racing has been happening in GT Pro. It would be super easy for Audi to just kit out a R8 LMS in GTE spec and open up a case of 1-liter whoop-ass on that field at a fraction of the cost. Despite this, they keep the dream of land-going spaceships going, even when they struggle to find

Wait 'till he takes it down off the jackstands...

Please put all blue cars that you think look like the 200 here in order to consolidate the many posts. I will start:

Lincoln needs to be taken on a long walk in the woods, have a wonderful and enlightening conversation on the meaning of life, be given a delightful and affirming gift from the heart, and be told to go forth and be the best Lincoln it can be.

Man that dude is not even a real Indian. Fuck him too.

I hear the homes are full of horny old women and STD's are rampant! Even if you just spend the days polishing your bike you'll probably get more trim than college.

Tell that to the people on here who consistently fight about .1 seconds around some magazines circuit of choice or the Nurburgring. That .1 seconds makes one car better than the other according to them.

For those who do it for a living: find a more valuable career.

Going out on a limb: