I'm going to tell you I'm not a snooper and then admit to snooping. I am a snooper and a liar.
I'm going to tell you I'm not a snooper and then admit to snooping. I am a snooper and a liar.
Yeah, few do.
"...their showing makes a great case for closing the eligibility loopholes that allow moneyed pranksters to dress up as Olympians."
Unlikely. The entire Olympics is staged by moneyed pranksters.
That doesn't look even a little bit like Audrey Hepburn, hi-res or no.
Yeah, except the frivolous hairstyle she has, you mean? Where did she find time for that? And anyway I don't buy it. Plenty of powerful people with not a lot of free time on their hands have hairstyles that don't make them look like Joe Biden gave them a swirly in the lobby toilet of a Hilton during a Dem fundraising…
I'm kind of disappointed that no one seems to be talking about the utter awfulness of Robin Wright's hairstyle.
"Second star to the right and straight on til barfing!"
It's little quips like this that make me love you.