Surya Sharma

Super excited this is back b/c I need to get a grip on my finances, but as a grad student who makes $1600 a month, I don’t think this is happening.

Learn to cook Indian food. There’s about 900 different vegetable dishes there.
Something to get you started:

If your TV is HDMI-CEC enabled (there’s a setting somewhere in most new TV’s), play / pause from the remote works.

Can you link to one of these? I can’t tell the difference between the two :)

Having played ingress, you should get into this game sooner rather than later. Everyone will be at a very high level in a month making things harder (and boring) for you.

I don’t think its Windows login though.

Dude. Google Hangouts.

Dude. Google Hangouts.

Pudge is a butcher.

I have a great trainer who’s not really screaming military style but something more encouraging, so it works really well.

I’ve been obese since I was 10 (now 28), and after on / off running sessions (a month after I give up) only recently have managed to get some regular exercise (1+ year) into my life.

What changed? Life. I was a Masters student teaching two full courses and barely had the time or mental strength to get anything else

$$$ involved. They shut down third party apps with background play for a reason.

You can use the same technique to increase your chances of getting hired at the same salary, you know.

Swapping Mass Storage for MTP. Great job Google. Security my ass.

Dr. NL,

Sure, but its heavy AF and I don’t know if the offer would be worth the shipping / packaging.

Sure, but its heavy AF and I don’t know if the offer would be worth the shipping / packaging.

I have one of these. Never used it.

I have one of these. Never used it.

Can you give more details on the kind of lens that will do this?

I’m not really sure how that works. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab too, and multiple dialers didn’t work. I’m assuming a core phone function is never merged into a firmware.

I have a feeling a cat will shred this to bits. Also it might be smarter to build this using the new $5 Raspi or a Teenyduino instead of the expensive board

I don’t want to know how he works, I want to know how he eats goddamit.