
Oh man I love that song. Good call.

Can we put that shitty fox song on here? I don't give a crap what the fox says.

I love her. I even loved her in Wall Street 2 which was a kind of crap movie but I loved her in it. Every time I see her in that I want to get allllll the hairs cut very short.
I'm excited to see this movie! And her in it. Did I mention I love her?

I agree!! I think thank you cards are super important. Or at the least a thank you call or email.
And I'm 26. And yes, if I buy you a nice, thoughtful gift and don't get recognition for said gift, you will never get another one from me.

Whoooaaaa not cool IMO. You should always call or send a thank you letter for gifts when people celebrate your choices in life. It is not a requirement that they do that. Even when you have two newborns.

This makes me so sad. I'm super sorry. What a sad thing to deal with around this season too.

I've been hoping to get followed and or posting privileges too!! I guess we will have to search for this mythical post of posts!

Sure. You can look at it and find whatever social commentary you want. But for most, it's just entertainment.
You're taking movies waaaaaaay too seriously. What's wrong with just enjoying a movie?
I watched battleship last night. No social commentary. Just blowing shit up.

I get what you're saying. I just disagree.
Martin Scorsese can make whatever movie he wants. I think at this point in his career he could release a home video of himself driving a scooter and people would still watch it.
Also, the whole point of movies in general is not to make a social commentary or some amazing point.

Touché! Lol

I just don't think that's a reason not to make a movie about it. Any movie that has any level of truth in it is going to effect people close to it. And of that weren't acceptable we would never have movies on true stories.
And since when do movies have to teach something? I hope people don't go into every movie

I bet butlers see way less poop than I do period.

Wow. That's more than I make as a nurse. And I bet they are eerily similar...

Not all movies teach people to be better people. As a matter of fact, some of the best ones don't. The godfather? Certainly makes being in the mob look super exciting and cool. It's an amazing movie. But just because I love that movie doesn't mean I love the mob.
Sorry lady. I'm sure this is hard for you to watch. I

Yes! There's a different one for pregnant women.

Yes but that isn't the case with the flu. The vaccination doesn't keep you from getting it, it just keeps you from getting it so badly or strains that are so bad that you die or are hospitalized from them.
As a nurse, because of the oath that you follow, it would stand to reason that giving people with a compromised

I would guess we might still see times when flu shots are scarce for whatever reason and they only have enough for the elderly or the very young.
I think (I'm not positive) that depending on when they figure out which strain is dominant that year, can change how much they have the can produce in a certain amount of

I feel for her, because pregnancy even WITHOUT prior miscarriages is an anxious time. It can be really hard to constantly wonder if you're hurting your baby.
But! The flu shot is just as much for patient safety as your own. If someone got the flu from her and died, that could be really bad for the company.
And honestly,

Agreed. I understand the anxiety, but this is just as much protection for her patients as it is for her. If you cared about your patients, you would be anxious about giving them the flu and killing them.

When they became more readily available. And honestly, healthcare workers have always had to get them. It's just as much for their protection as the protection of the people they are nurses for.
I know it seems odd, but it's actually really important.