I would recommend one to my grandma or to someone picking their kid's first car. Don't trust me.
I would recommend one to my grandma or to someone picking their kid's first car. Don't trust me.
“Phrased any other way, in any other context, Clinton might have been encouraging a young woman to run for office.”
I’m white, and changed my vote yesterday from Sanders to Clinton pretty much solely because of the massive amounts of support she’s getting from black and Hispanic Americans. I’m TERRIFIED of Trump, and I think the best way to prevent him getting anywhere near DC is if the Democrats come out as a truly united force,…
I’m white. Just so you know, I love Hillary. Have reviewed her record in context. And even if I hated her, I’d recognize you can make up your own damn mind about who to support. And I hate that *some* (vocal) people don’t think you can.
Not directly related to your post, but I feel like it’s time to retire the phrase “On speed dial”. I know what it’s supposed to mean but in this cell phone age no one manually enters phone numbers any more. Everyone is on auto dial.
It is appalling that millennials who either weren’t alive or were barely talking yet in 1994 are intensely criticizing Hillary Clinton for a piece of legislation they know nothing about, absent any context whatsoever. It’s shameful.
in other words, shes incredibly qualified to be the president?
NO! You don’t understand - a mustachioed 33 year old white barrista with an B.A. from a mid-tier Liberal Arts school whose parents pay his Park Slope rent while he “reviews” movies in his Facebook status is EXACTLY who should be telling African Americans, Latinos, women etc what they should be doing and what is best…
White HRC fan here! Gawker seems to attract the most insufferable Bernie supporters/Hillary haters. I can’t imagine the nerve of someone virtually patting you on the head like you’re an idiot. I would have a rage stroke...
How much are you going to cry when Bernie goes back to obscurity and continues to do nothing?
This is so unfuckingbelievably condescending that even were you right, whoever you’re trying to convince still wouldn’t change their vote just to say “fuck you”.
If anything I view the girl as being kind of condescending. She asks Clinton directly who she met in the Somali community (and gives off the impression that she doesn’t believe that Clinton will know any names). Clinton gives an example of just one of the people she has met, who she believes the girl will know. Then…
The condescension Berners show for minorities who don’t support their king is embarrassing. “I can’t believe these brown people are too stupid to figure out what’s good for them!”
How nice, another white person telling PoC they are too stupid to know what is good for them.
Hillary’s response is actually something people need to take seriously. She may not have said it in a good tone, but she has a point. One of the best ways to get a more diverse political presence is for people to get out there and run for office. It at least gives voters the opportunity to vote for someone other than…
When the Hill gets tired she gets snippy. When Drumph gets tired he gets conciliatory.
I’d phrase it differently. She is not a good campaigner, particularly compared to Obama. To be honest though, I don’t care how good of a campaigner my president is, once he or she is in office.
One of the biggest knocks against her is she’s not a gifted politician and makes mistakes when talking to people off the cuff. She tries to make up for it through hard work, but she slips from time to time.
She’s a competent administrator and decent political negotiator (far different skill than business negotiation,…
The Clintons made their entry into politics via courting black southerners...they know how to pander to them.
Yes, she is human.