
Agreed. Most people don’t look that good, and most people are offensive in some fashion. Shes just more forthcoming.

what are the residual effects immediately... like is there a hangover? a headache? sadness? anything like that.

I’ve only done mushrooms and LSD, maybe ten times each. My conclusion is that they were both pretty fun, I never saw things that weren’t really there though, more like the things that were there took different shapes. Man, and now I recall telling this girl that I had a crush on, some really, really, embarrassing

starchild... is that you?

Agreed. I had an n52 engine in my old 5 series (120k miles), and the n20 engine (65k miles in two years) in the new 3 series. And I’ve never had a single issue. I got a busted water pump on both though.

No mention here of the ultra reliable N52 inline 6 banger, which was their standard up until this 4 cyl twin turbo deal.

Agreed. For such a “terrible” launch, its got a shit ton of people engaged and playing. I’ve never seen a game get so many users so fast. And all I’m hearing from people I know is good things, its a totally new way to play.

Man, our national bird is majestic, and fucking terrifying. I wish i was an eagle.

Right, she started the wars all by herself... because she’s EVIL. lulz.

If you are looking for civil rights, or attending protests, you can look at her work at Wellesley. I attend protests, as you are a lawyer, its not a big deal man.

“I want trump to win, so we hit rock bottom”, is the dumbest thing i’ve read today. thank you.

If you are talking about polling, the 3 million more votes she has makes her more viable. I don’t think you are understanding the point. She isn’t perfect, but her work ethic makes her viable, her ability to accomplish shit, makes her viable. Her understanding and knowledge of policy makes her viable, Executive

Which candidate has actually done work to help the marginalized people you are speaking about? And which candidate is just talking about it? I’d suggest you look up the history of her work for the children’s defense fund, her pro bono work for child advocacy and racial discrimination She literally went out and helped

she is clearly the lesser evil. thats why she is going to beat the shit out of him.

Fuck the haters reggie. This is also what I believe. Hillary is very hateable. But she is completely sane. You can’t really say that for the other guy, he literally has some sort of psycho/social disorder. She will exploit that, she will make him look even crazier, and even more foolish. She is a lot of things, but

i can no longer see an adult african americans face without seeing crying michael jordan.

weird albert, but extracted quite a bit more out of that tweet, than hillary actually said.

bernies a good man, but i think the grind of the campaign trail is starting to wear on him.

“dead air”.... “dead air”... “dead air”

especially with such an insufferable asshole like kenny williams. i agree that the laroche/sale thing is out of hand, and the kid should stay home... but i think what this shows more than anything, is how much the players despise their GM.