
agreed, but kanye west is not a david eckstein though, he's more of a ricky henderson.

little secret, when i generalize, i round down, on all things. then it always feels like i am getting a bargain.

"LeBron is just the kind of player that could get the Jazz playing sweet music once again."
jesus. take a week off tom.

Yeah, of all the monthly crap that syphons money out of my bank account ($20 a month for a credit score?), the $9 a month I give to spotify is one that is worth it. What else is nice, is SONOS integration. i think about trying "Beats", I don't have anything against it, but I don't really see how it gets much better

there isn't anything to get... you're good, i think you just need to build on that simple meditation, build up a little more length... really keeping that mind calm and clear, it will eventually lead to the detachment. all the stuff that swirls around you, grips you, pulls you in. when you meditate, and get a little

i did the pained pause on accident once as well... basically just because i didn't think we were at the point where figures were going to be discussed. so when they offered, i was just a little stunned and unprepared. the offer was a good one, i probably would have taken it, after my pause they offered 5k more. i left

did you try "password".

looks like a boxing glove.

hey, i live in redskin, illinois.

man, such a solid comment. i hope you spiked your laptop when you clicked publish on that one. i'm not even being a dick, that comment was outstanding.

"Unfortunately aviation is not immune from the general guideline that 10% of the people on this planet are idiots."

that dead thud when it hits him in the chest, he'd be all confused. you are right though, best to take a sack of grapefruits and throw 6-7 warm ups before you go for the big one.

man, to be the guy who hurls a grapefruit at zuckerberg... or if i could even just be there to watch.

His son "rich" was also an asshole, although given that his dad was horrible, with his assholeDNA, he never really had a chance. i have two sons, 2 and 4. the 4 year old is in swimming, baseball and soccer. i'm constantly battling for him to not be a wimp, it is an actual, daily battle. in fact, my wife scolded me

I was going to say, you really gotta fire a tennis ball to leave a welt, old man BigBlue was really "Rock N Fire"-ing that day. HERE COMES THE HIGH HEAT SON, NOW DONT BE A PUSSY!

i had a little league coach do the same thing, to the whole team, and they weren't tennis balls. i was about 9, so this was 1987. west suburbs of chicago. i think most of the team was crying that day. i don't really know what i think of it now. I mean, i'd never do that to my son, and i always hated that coach, but I

you are a hero.

Caffreys Irish Creme Ale, beats the piss out of all these... except the Guiness.

Love that header image. Jim Cooke does more for this brand than any of your writers/editors. I hope you pay the shit out of that guy.

Had to work in England on a project for a year. I had to hear about how American Football players weren't shit compared to Rugby players, mostly because of the fact that Football players wear helmets and pads.