
They whisked her away to prevent her from any harm from morons like you who may try to retaliate against her for doing her job. Asshole has a gun, resisted apprehension, and pulled a gun on officers.. end of story.

Yea because the giant gun shaped buldge doesn’t exhibit anything? Fuck outta here. He resisted and pulled a gun on police officers.. instead of complying like a sane gun owner would’ve done.

Huge buldge on his waist, officers tried to apprehend him, he fled, pulled a gun on the cops and wound up dead. End of story.

He pulled a gun on police you fucking moron.

Oh look more people claiming to be victims because they can’t follow simple instructions given by police officers.

Accidentally killing her baby is going to get her put in jail yet the intentional murders coming out of abortion clinics mean nothing. Gotta love 2018.

They are committing a crime, and they are being punished for it. End of story.

“Getting arrested purely for making videogame cheats sounds like a Utopian dream that we should not be celebrating.”

Suprised there isn’t going to be a Vita release. If I can’t double dip on this for PC and Vita I’ll probably just pass on this game.

If you haven’t learned your lesson yet... always invest time into the best version of the game. Always wait for PC or play the PC version. I waited years for GTA V on PC and it was worth it.

Back in 2013 I stumbled upon Warframe. It was barebones, buggy, unfinished, repetitive, grindy, lacking story content. Underneath all of those flaws I saw potential in the design aesthetics and the amazing gameplay. I saw potential for Warframe to become the game it is today, and what it will become years from now. I

And this is why I bought the GrandMaster founders pack for $250. Warframe is the best thing to happen to the video game industry in a long time.

I can’t believe they took any other restaurant into consideration. Taco Bell will be the king of the fast food munchies forever. Now bring me back my Nacho Fries god damnit.

Newsflash, college isn’t free for anyone.

Never saw this before. Thanks, wasn’t trying to come off as a jerk I was just ignorant to the fact and Google didn’t help.

This isn’t the case at all. The playerbase is declining as more and more players realize that PUBG isn’t their game. PUBG still needs alot of polishing, and because of that alot of players (Including myself) have temporarily put the game down until some patches are made.

Last time I checked Blizzard has in no way said that Tracer was a Lesbian. She could be Bisexual. 

Jesus that was awful.

So she wasn’t the first? Who fucking cares then.

It looked slow as hell. This needs to be a faster shooter. Take notes from Titanfall and Dying Light and then we’re talking.